Chapter Nine Preview

Start from the beginning

      There he goes again, reminding himself of his biggest troubles. He hated reminders. 

      In the midst of trying to erase his thoughts, a strange thought crossed him. (Y/n), that broad. The one who he's been interacting with lately, against his better wishes.

. . .

      How long ago was it? Around a month, or just over? His memory mulled over the interaction of that evening; the day they met- rather, officially met, they exchanged the idles of an introductory conversation, a brief presentation of their existences. After he basically rescued them from meeting a pitiable end from the bullies, of all people. His impenetrable hatred of bullies was the only reason he intervened, not because he felt any strong feelings for her. His actions that day might've been personal in a general sense, but not in a personal sense of likeability towards (Y/n). Tch, yeah. Liking (Y/n)? As if.

      Strange, wasn't it? An interaction completely out of character. It was understandable for him to intercept what could've been the moment a victim became a statistic due to the likes of a bully, but it was what happened after that stuck out particularly. He didn't just leave right after, he wanted to properly greet her. That day, he bothered to introduce himself and the others. The question is, why? Why did he feel the need to exchange such tedious pleasantries? Human decency? As if. He isn't a good person, he assured himself. He never bothered to introduce himself to any other student before- or even others in everyday situations, highlighting the magnitude of peculiarity surrounding the situation. Not sure why that sudden interest transpired but it happened anyway, regardless. Perhaps it felt necessary? Maybe he felt a force of sorts, a magnetic connection to do so? Maybe he just felt the vaguest form of guilt or pitiful feelings after witnessing (Y/n)'s subjection to the bitch brigade of basic blondes. He never really pondered about it until now. It was strange . . .

(Y/n) . . . (L/n)?


'Her last name seems familiar. I don't get it,'

But why should he care?

He doesn't, actually. Not on a large scale, anyway. It's more of a passing thought above anything else.

. . .

      Try as he might, he couldn't ignore the thoughts. He thought about her more deeply. Maybe it was her skin tone, the colour of her eyes, her mannerisms when sheepish or otherwise flustered and distraught, the way she chose to iterate her words or a certain intonation to her voice- an attribute about her person or outward demeanour stuck out. Something provoked a memorable sense of familiarity. However . . . Highly unlikely scenario, right? He'd never seen the likes of her before, not until she attended Akademi, that is. He never bothered with the "noble duty" of remembering his fellow students but she stuck out strangely, like a sore thumb. 


"Kizuguchi, kill that smoke NOW! Has your dumbass forgotten about policy once again? Smoking on school grounds is strictly against one of the main school policies and absolutely refrained. Under no circumstances should a student on school property be found with any contraband on their person. Not to mention that it is, in fact, illegal to be caught with cigarettes under the age of twenty," 

      Bothered by the interruption of his solitude, he suppressed a sigh, not having the chance to deeper analyze his thoughts. It was only a result of boredom that he decided to recall old events between him and the (h/c)-coloured individual. It's not like he valued her presence; he simply held some confusion toward the feelings she arose in him, in his conscious mind. Feelings in question being that sense of knowing he felt. She felt familiar somehow. Not the kind of familiarity of seeing the same clerk at a store, or walking by the same person on a street at a different date, but a sense of familiarity on the level of something . . . more. Whatever, he thought to himself. (Y/n) wasn't that important, anyway. If the feelings persisted and decided to bother him more, he'll think more thoroughly about it at a different time, because he'd be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit interested.

      He straightened his posture and turned to the source of the voice.

"Tch. Bold of you to assume I'd have forgotten."

And there you have it! The chapter is long and so is the preview, inevitably. As you can see, a major hint for the upcoming chapter is that the chapter is dealing with Umeji's internal conflicts... while also an external conflict that appears later on in the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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