Chapter 09

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Clarice's POV
About three and a half weeks had passed since the introduction with the Cullen family and Bella. I didn't tell Esme what I had witnessed in Carlisle's office with Alice as I don't think that anything will come of it.

I don't think that Esme can divorce him as she is most definitely in an abusive relationship like I suspected. Aside from the affair between her husband and her foster daughter, I noticed unusual markings on Esme's wrist, neck and cheek. It took me a moment to realize that they were bruises from being hit and punched.

The Cullen clan was clearly not like how they were portrayed in the books. Carlisle was an abusive, power hungry man who liked to beat on women (I'd also noticed the same marks on Rose's arm, Carlisle had the decency not to hit her face as she had school unlike Esme, who mostly stayed at home), Alice was a jealous backstabbing whore, and Edward was no better than Carlisle as I could see a resemblance in their abusive behavior.

Of course Edward was more cowardly in his actions as he preferred gaslighting and manipulation. His gift made him worst as he knew exactly which buttons to press in order to achieve his goals. Bella was most definitely a perfect fit as she matched his energy and would gaslight and manipulate him, and she was nosy as hell and needed everyone's secrets to use as blackmail.

Their relationship is no doubt toxic, but at least they're toxic asshats together.

I know you must be wondering why Emmett and Jasper don't fight back and defend Esme and Rose.

1). Jasper had PTSD from his father who abused him (physically and verbal) and Maria (Mentally and psychologically). He was also manipulated by Alice and tricked into thinking that she was his mate, I can tell that she also verbally and emotionally abused him.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sexual abuse there as well.

It suggests so as his trauma response is to freeze and become compliant.

2.) Emmett literally has his maternal figure, his girlfriend, and his brother being abused and held against him. He fears that by fight back he'll make things worst, so he's compliant and obedient in order to prevent any further violence.

Like Jasper, he's been beaten down by the so called 'family' that he was adopted into.

I've been trying to come up with a plan to save me friends, but if I talk about it with my dad and he tries to arrest them it could go one of two ways.

A.) They allow themselves to be arrested, only to break out and for the Cullens to disappear from Forks, forever.

Or B.) They could attack my dad and his deputies and kill them.

I can tell that Alice, Edward, and Carlisle don't truly follow the 'vegetarian vampire' diet as they're stronger and more healthy looking than the others. The four honestly look like their on their last leg trying to maintain an animal blood diet, I wouldn't be surprised if they withered away within the next year.

And if the evil trio weren't following the diet then that means that they don't have any regard for human life like they claimed in the books. I wholeheartedly believe that the animal blood diet was invented to keep the others weak and compliant.

I could go to the Volturi, but it would be suicide. They have no reason to listen to me or even help me and the good Cullens. There's no law against abusive clan members, and they've allowed this to carry on for years now.

I was on the couch as I thought about all this, when I suddenly got dizzy, I looked down at the tea I'd been drinking in confusion before passing out. When I woke up, I was again in the back of Edward's Volvo. Up front, Edward was once again treating Bella's neck like a five star meal.

I, at first, thought that I'd fallen asleep and was having a PTSD nightmare, but I was sadly proven wrong when I decided to pinch myself in order to wake up.

It didn't work 😭 I then decided to just tuck and roll to freedom like I planned to last time.

Except we were already at our destination and I just wound up rolling into an empty field in front of the entire Cullen clan "Clara?! What are you doing here?!" Rose asked concerned as she and Jasper tan over to help me up, Rose then caught sight of Bella and Edward stepping out of the car.

Bella glared at me and Rose glared at her "Are you kidding me?! Can't we do one thing without your new pet!" Carlisle suddenly walked over and grabbed her shoulder making her flinch and Emmett, Jasper, and Esme tense up "Rose, you gave Edward an unfair ultimatum. He wants Bella to be a part of our family. Stop being a brat, and let your brother be happy, do you understand me?"

Rose timidly nodded and I glared at him, before grabbing Rose and pulling her out of his grip and firmly placing myself between him and her. I stared him down, before looking to Rose and asking "What 'ultimatum' did you give Edward?" Rose sighed and said "I told him that I didn't want to hang around Bella all the time, and to stop forcing us to. He said that he didn't want to hang you all the time, but I forced him to, so it was only fair that Bella be present when you're present."

I gave her a bewildered look, she didn't give him an ultimatum and he was NEVER forced to hang out with me. We always hung out together without him, can't he do the same with Bella?

Wait, this is the arrogant, obnoxious, narcissistic Edward Cullen we're talking about of course he can't.

I sighed before asking "So what are we doing here?" Esme walked over and said "We're playing baseball" I gave her a blank look.















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