the loveliness of revenge part 2

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When Sara was done with locking up Nina and lying to his parents. She started kidnapping the other kids and when She was done. Her mother saw all the kids gone and that her daughter was telling the truth that they just went to the restroom. Sara's mom didn't know what was going to happen. Her mom told her that she was planning to make her the golden child before she started kidnapping the other kids. 

When Sara realized her mistake she was sad that she did this, but she didn't want to tell her mom the truth, because she thought mom would be mad at her, so she had no choice, but to lie continuously. When Sara left the kids the place where the kids were kept. They managed to escape and when they escaped they quickly hid in the secret passages, but the kids didn't know there were secret passages except for Isabel. Everyone wanted to know the secret passageways. Isabel started telling them there were a lot of secret passageways in my house. 

I'm gonna show you and by the way, Sara locked them up and Isabel's house. Isabel and the others found that the first secret passage from it was just a needle that was covering everything of the small secret passageway open; the needle pushed it to the next room. Everyone was shocked and said just happened and how can a small little circle get us through. Isabel said you'll see. Isabel went through the secret passageway. 

Everyone was shocked to see Isabel go through a small circle, but they followed her and then they reached the music room. Oh wow what a pretty musical room they thought to themselves wow it is so amazing. Isabel decided that they would split into three groups because there were nine people and 3×3 equals nine so they thought it would work. Isabel told the first group to come with her. In the first group, there was Nina, Lily, and Rose. When Isabel was done with the first group she took the second group to the next destination.

 She also took the third group, because the third group's place was very close to the second group's place. The second, and third group and Isabel went through the elevator to the secret passage. When they reached the secret passage there was another needle which she broke down and opened the door. The second group with Isabella went inside with group 2. Isabel then came out of the room and said it was time to take the third group.

 In group 2 there was Woody, Moana, and Aurora. The third group was Isabel, The baby, and Mr. Poop, the man. The second group reached their bedroom of Isabel, and group number 3 reached Isabel's treehouse. Sara didn't know that everyone escaped from her trap. Sara's mom told Sara to bring her sister Isabel because she needed to put Isabel's dress on her. 

Sara agreed, She went to the place where she kept everyone but she found no one there. Seeing this, she was angry. She looked everywhere for them but had no hope. Then Sara remembered. Isabel had a weak spot. 

She went to Isabel's weak spot and stomped on there. When her weak spot was stomped I suppose mine began to work crazy. She left the room and started walking to Sara. Sara then told her that we have to go to Mom and you have to come too and I need you to do this. Isabel said okay Master I'll do it. 

In a hypnotizing voice. Sara and Isabel went to their mother. The mother was relieved to see her daughter safe and healthy. Their mother said oh daughter I thought you were gone. Something bad happened to you, luckily you're alive.

 Then Isabel said oh Mother, I'm okay. I'm just in the restroom with the baby because the baby is in the restroom and I need to be right next to her in the restroom. I'm okay. I know you might be worried about me. Sister told me how anxious we were when we were walking. I was disappointed that I left you alone in the middle of the show. 

Now I am here. Why did you call me Mom? Their mother replied saying oh I just want to put this dress on you. While the mother said the words she put the dress on Isabel. Isabel was very comfy with the dress. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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