Twenty Seven: Happy memories to heal troubled souls

Start from the beginning

"You're lucky I'm tied down to this campus all day today. Imma catch you tomorrow and you better have those pictures and more details." Romeo slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"I will. Imma go grab some coffee and cookies quick and then imma snapchat them to you to rub it in your face."

Romeo snorted, "I hate you. See you later." She waved and raced to her next lecture.

Skylar smiled to herself and walked to the coffee shop to get something to eat before her next-- and last-- lecture later in the day.

She sat near a window after getting herself some coffee and cookies and she got her sketch book out to have a look at those pictures from Saturday.

She and Justin looked really happy. They had a lot of fun that day and she'd never forget it. Looking at the pictures made her want to relive that day, especially the moment when she and Justin kissed for the first time.

When she got home that evening and was safe in the privacy of her bedroom, Skylar had hit lots of dance moves. Some might have even been tribal rain dances or something. She went to bed with a genuine smile on her face that night and just thinking about it made her giggle to herself.

"You're enjoying this boring Monday."

Skylar looked up and found Justin smiling at her.

He'd gotten himself a bottle of water.

"It's not so boring." Skylar smiled.

Justin sat opposite her at the table and opened his drink.

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"I'm doing good. How are you?"

"Good. Did you enjoy your weekend?" He grinned.

"Very much, thanks. I hope you did too."

"I did."

Skylar placed the photos on the table in front of herself and Justin.

"We need to share these. I totally forgot to let you pick your favourites on Saturday or to get us to make copies. I was... I forgot." She blushed.

Justin had also forgotten about them. He'd forgotten a lot after that kiss.

He took a look at the pictures and smiled fondly at each frame.

"You can pick first." He said.

"No, go ahead. I wouldn't know which to keep. They're all cute." Skylar tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Okay..." Justin smiled and took another look at the pictures.

He liked the ones where he and Skylar were making funny faces. In that lot was a picture of him looking lovingly at Skylar as she laughed hysterically, her hands over her mouth.

"I like this one." He took that strip of pictures. "You were all giggles here. I like it."

"I looked ridiculous." Skylar chuckled. "Look at me laughing. Crazy."

"Beautiful." Justin corrected.

Skylar blushed and decided to avoid Justin's gaze by looking for a strip of photos to pick.

She went with a set of pictures where she and Justin were posing with Biggie-- her kissing his teddy bear cheeks and Justin biting his teddy bear ears.

"I like this one too." She pointed a picture of Justin with his arms wrapped around her tightly as she smiled at the camera.

Justin smiled and tore off that picture for her and he kept the last one, one where Skylar had snatched his beanie off and both of them pulled thug faces as they embraced their fluffy hairs.

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