Falling Head over Heels

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Me: Are you sure you can't come out early?

Rosie: Bitch, some of us have to work

Me: What good is having a best friend if you can't drop everything and fly to me in my time of need?

Rosie: Okay drama queen. I will just quit my job, abandon my cat, and leave all my house plants to die so I can come to Canada and tell you, you're being an idiot

Me: 1) Congratu-fucking-lations. You're an adult. With adult responsibilities like cats and plants and being a super bad-ass lawyer. We get it. 2) How do you know I was being an idiot?

Rosie: ...

Me: Fine. I was being an idiot

Rosie: What did you do?

Me: I may or may not have broken into Burke Stidel's house

Rosie: Your autocorrect is a messy bitch

Me: No I meant what I wrote. I broke into Burke Stidels house yesterday.

Rosie: OMG WHAT?????

Rosie: Burke Stidel? Vancouver Greys' Burke Stidel? As in the poster you hide in your closet Burke Stidel? The sexy-blonde-hockey-man, best ass in the NHL, tied the regular season scoring record last season, Burke Stidel?

Me: The very one

Me: Surprised you remembered the part about the regular season scoring record

Rosie: You talk about him and that team all the goddamn time. Some of it was bound to sink in

Rosie: We are getting off topic

Rosie: You broke into his house?

Rosie: ? ? ? ?

Me: It was an accident

Me: I thought it was our cabin. Turns out he's our new neighbor

Rosie: Are you fucking serious right now?

Me: Deadly.

Rosie: Then there is only one clear solution that will undo your idiocy

Me: I'm listening...

Rosie: You need to fuck that man immediately

Me: Are you insane?

Rosie: No sweetie. You're the insane one in our relationship. So insane that you have been dreaming about a man you had never even met for years and then you broke into his house and then you didn't have sex with him

Me: It was an ACCIDENT

Rosie: Likely story hon

Rosie: I swear to God Olly. Sleep with this man, or we are no longer friends

Me: How?

Rosie: What do you mean how? You're not a virgin. Which is not a secret because your ex-boyfriend is a scum of the earth dick-bag with a bro-complex and bragged about it to anyone who would listen.

Rosie: Including your dipshit brother

Me: Can we not talk about Jake?

Rosie: Yes. Let's talk about Burke Stidel.

Rosie: March your sweet ass over there and offer him some apology sex for breaking into his house

Rosie: Answer my fucking texts Olly

Rosie: I know you are still by your phone


Rosie: Finnneeeee, you don't have to have sex with him tonight. Better yet wait until Jake and Emily come and then bang Burke on the pool furniture in front of everyone

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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