Pin-Cushion Faces and Dollies in Places

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Okay gold-eyes was kinda creepy. So, in fear of being decapitated, you timidly pull out the chair beside the pretty red-headed girl(??). They turn to look at you,leaving you.

"...Hi-?" You mutter, pushing your skirt to allow you to sit down.
Awkward silence ensures as they take turns to size you up from the corners of their eyes. Or eye.

And then blondie chirped up
"Ooh-- look at you!! Aren't you a pretty thing?"
He questions perkily, turning his attentions away from the grateful looking pirate boy.

"...Am I supposed to answer that question-?" You state meekly.

At this, the pirate boy snickers. Earring Queen turns to stare at you with a look of utter amusement and the other dark haired male, the one with red-head, smiles into his tea.

Icy blue eyes stare into you, the blonds plump lips seeming to turn into a snarl. And then red head pipes up.
"She looks like a doll!"
S(He??) flashes you a flirtatious smile, cupping your face in both hands and squishing your cheeks

"Mmph-!!" You weakly protest, flapping your arm behind your back for your maid to stop your face from being used as a pin cushion. This guy had nails!!

But just as [M/N] was about to swoop in and save you, pirate boy did so.
With a snap of his fingers he motions for the dark haired, red eyed male to pry Red Head away from you.

His single blue eyes has you feeling as if you were under a microscope and he was prodding and pulling at you, tugging at you for you to keep your secrets.

But no. Hell no. You weren't some silly little girl. You were [Y/N]! [Y/N][L/N] for goodness sake. The Queen's Scorpion! You weren't going to fall at the feet of silly pretty boys!
Good looks be damned to hell and back!

Your spine stiffened instinctively, sitting up in the rather ornately carved chair. Hands curls up, moving to settle in your lap and a slight toss of your head sent your glossy [h/c] locks flying over your shoulder.

You were [Y/N] [L/N]. And pretty boys weren't going to get the best of you.
Your [e/c] gaze met his blue calmly, a unmistakable underlying of steel causing him to raise a brow.

"I do believe we have not met, Countess."
He uses your honorary title mockingly, trying to test your temper.

"I do believe we have not. I have never met an Earl fond of playing dress-up." You reply cooly.

His eye widens, in more of surprise than indignation. And then his mouth curls up into a small smile.

"And I've never meet such a quick-witted lady."
What-? Was he complimenting you now?
What was this boy playing at?

"...Then I do hope I can prove to you more interesting culture during your stay, Earl Phantomhive."

"And as of me, to you."
He puts both hands on the table, interlacing his nimble fingers together.
"Please. Call me Ciel."

A Game Of War [Black Butler X reader]Where stories live. Discover now