Learning to Receive and Prosperity

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Do you Consider Yourself to be Prosperous?

It's a question to really lean into. There are so many different areas of our lives to consider. Naturally, the most common first thought is in the area of finances. Yet, the one area I notice that seems to be a real struggle, is time.

Ever notice how fast everyone is moving? And listen to what you hear. The proclamation of, "I'm so busy!" Eluding to a shortage of time or an abundance of stuff to keep one incredibly occupied! Ultimately creating poverty in the area of time.

How about relationships? Perhaps this is an area of abundance in your life. Partnerships that are reciprocal, harmonious, and energy-giving. Let's check in with respect to your health. Do you find that you are physically thriving or could your body use a bit of maintenance because there are areas lacking what they need to operate more effectively?

I'm presently reading Louise Hay and Robert Holden's book, Life Loves You. It's a great read in addition to her classic, .

In reading their book, I am once again reminded of the importance to practice receiving. Which when typing and/or reading those words it sounds relatively simple. Yet, being raised in the role of the eldest child, who was continuously being told to, "Be nice. Be a good girl." And, "Do as I'm told ..."

My role seemed to revolve around doing for others and receiving seemed to be something others were given. If I received something, my mother's reaction would be somewhat of horror as if I did something unconscionable to get it!

The bottom line message and core belief developed was ultimately that I didn't deserve things. Therefore, now, I am continually growing, learning, and practicing ways to receive so that I, too, can be a recipient of the Universe's blessings in all areas of abundance and prosperity!

How About You? Did You Grow up Learning to Receive?

Here's what I found quite fascinating in chapter six of the book,

"According to the Already Principle, you have already been given everything you need for your journey in this Life. No matter which road you take, divine guidance will meet you there. "I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life; I am more than equal to the situation," wrote Florence Scovel Shinn. Florence's affirmation reminds us of the scene in the film Mary Poppins in which, before Jane's and Michael's eyes, Mary Poppins pulls item after item from her bottomless carpetbag. . It reveals itself when it is needed and when we ask for it. It's bigger than anything our ego can carry.

What about our darkest moments, when our ego is on its knees? When we doubt that love exists? When we can see "only one set of footprints" and feel utterly alone? In terrible times, it's virtually impossible for anyone to say the right thing. Words are probably not appropriate, anyway. They make a wound sting even more. You can't possibly know it then, but even in the most forsaken place, the healing has already begun. That's how reality works. Nothing takes pace outside of the Oneness. Love abandons no one.

The Already Principle reminds us of our true nature and the nature of reality. It teaches us that there is more to this world than meets the eye. Even in a world of fear, there is love. Even when you are in lack, there is abundance.

Even when you experience conflict, there is peace. Even when you are alone, there is help. Even when you are confused, there is guidance. Everything you need is here, and it's here now. That's why Louise Hay always encourages us to pray and affirm in the present tense. Just like this:

I am willing to let life love me today.

Everything I need to know is revealed to me.

I gratefully accept all the good I have in my life now.

I release all struggle now, and I am at peace.

My healing is already in progress.

I now accept and appreciate the abundant life the Universe offers me."

In addition to Louise Hay's wise words of direction in carefully curating our affirmations, another easy to maneuver tip in allowing our good in, is to open our arms wide, signaling the benevolent Universe that our hearts are open and we are willing to let "it" in.

And finally, as simple as this may seem, this practice in and of itself could be a game changer. It sounds easy enough. Most of us were actually even taught this technique as tiny impressionable children. Ready? Ok. Here it is!

When someone extends a helpful hand, a compliment, or you receive a gift of any type, your next move is to say ——> THANK YOU! Which is a complete sentence. Thank you.

Our prior "training" could lead us into a story or unnecessary explanation due to our discomfort in receiving a gift. Often times what you may naturally find yourself doing is reacting to the compliment, by saying something along the lines of, "This old thing!" Or, "I got this years ago ... blah blah blah."

Resist the temptation! Step one in activating the energy wheel of abundance and prosperity is to receive with appreciation, gratitude, and love.

In closing, let's throw our arms open wide, smile with our eyes, heart, and entire being, and repeat after me,

"I am open to the abundance of the Universe! Life loves me and I am safe. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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