Kotetsu: In your dreams, my ancestor made this and it's precious to me

Nezuko: Hold on is someone else behind him

The three of them looked and saw someone with hair and earrings similar to Tanjiro

Tanjiro: Wait-

Nezuko: That looks just like-

Rimuro: -Grandfather Yoriichi

Kotetsu: Get out of here you can't make me give you the key and even if you did I won't show you how to use it

Tanjiro: What should we do it's rude to eavesdrop but if they are fighting we should try to help shouldn't we

Muichiro chopped Kotetsu on the neck causing him to fall to the ground he then picked him up by the shirt

Tanjiro: STOP IT

Tanjiro ran out of the bushes in hopes of stopping the fight Rimuro and Nezuko soon followed

Tanjiro: What are you doing let him go

Muichiro: There's no need to be so noisy who are you . . .  wait I've seen you before haven't I

Tanjiro: How could you treat a kid like that you shouldn't do such cruel things

Tanjiro was holding Muichiro's arm and forced Muichiro to let go

Muichiro: Hmm you're stronger than I thought I'm surprised you're not a Hashira yet

Rimuro: Muichiro what is going on here

Muichiro: Oh Rimuro it's you

Nezuko was checking on Kotetsu

Nezuko: Are you alright

Kotetsu looked up at Nezuko and became quite flustered

Kotetsu: I-I'm fine

Nezuko: Are you sure you could be dizzy

Kotetsu G-get off me I'm not giving the key to anyone even if you torture me if I do you'll only break it

Rimuro: Alright let's just calm down about this talk of torture what's going on

Muichiro: I wanted the key to activate that doll it seemed like it would be a good use for training this boy has been wasting the time of a Hashira

Rimuro: Muichiro it doesn't matter who we are what you were doing was rude just because we're Hashira doesn't give us the authority to do what we want in any situation despite our higher ranking in fact it gives less reason because as Hashira we need to set an example and show respect to others the Master would be disappointed if he saw you acting this way

Muichiro's eyes slightly widened at this

Muichiro: I see

Rimuro: Look if all you wanted was training we can spar if you want I'm sure I'll be more of a challenge than that doll anyways

Muichiro: Well I suppose you have a point sparring with you may prove to be more useful

Rimuro: Why don't you guys give us some room and move that doll while you're at it

Tanjiro Nezuko and Kotetsu backed away while carrying the doll with them while Rimuro and Muichiro got into fighting positions while drawing their swords


Zenitsu: Ugh I'm glad we got the day off but I was hoping to spend time with Nezuko not be searching for something that Sensei doesn't even know exists


Zenitsu: Wait I hear some fighting over there

Inosuke: Really then let's go

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