The Mind's Paradise

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Rimuru was embracing Shizue he started sobbing in her chest

Rimuru was embracing Shizue he started sobbing in her chest

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Shizue: There's no need to cry it's fine now

He looked up to face his destined one as she wiped away his tears

He looked up to face his destined one as she wiped away his tears

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Shizue: Feel better

Rimuru: Yeah (So this is my dream it'll be hard to leave but I can't let it keep me here for too long heck maybe I should just wake up now before I'm too sucked in)

Upon closer inspection, Rimuru's bed was massive and so was his room he noticed more movement in the bed he looked to his left and saw Ciel

Ciel: Oh my Master, are you giving Shizue special treatment again

Shion: Now that's just unfair we agreed we'd share lord Rimuru now that's just unfair

Shizue: Now now Rimuru loves us all equally

Shuna: If that's true then you should prove it Lord Rimuru 

Milim: Ooh sounds like fun

Rimuru looked to the vast amount of women he's had erotic feelings for in The Cardinal World each with lustful eyes

Rimuru: (. . . Well I guess I can stay a bit longer)

Just so that there isn't too much controversy as to who else is in the harem or not I'll just say leave it to our imagination from here on who is

Meanwhile, in Nezuko's dream Rimuro, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were all battling a strong demon they were struggling to survive

Rimuro: This guy is tough I don't think we can beat him

Tanjiro: We need help

Inosuke: I've never faced such a strong opponent


Nezuko: Never fear it'll be alright now

Everyone looked at the voice calling out as a shadowy silhouette fell from the sky and landed on one knee

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