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(Y/n) is from (Y/c), but their world was destroyed years ago, and since they were the only ones with any power, they were brought back to N.A.R.C.K. to live and work there.

Sorry if it applies to you, but (Y/n) cannot be presented as pure Japanese in this story. They will be pointed out for being different in good and bad ways. (such as body type, hair type, possibly skin but its a stretch, just overall not meeting Japanese body standards)

(Y/n) will also be female presenting but will be identified as they/them for this story

I, (Y/n), am a member of N.A.R.C.K. It stands for something I'll never remember. What I do remember is that I work for them, and I hop between different dimensions every day. Considering they saved me from a collapsing world, I work for them to pay back the favor, and so do thousands of others who had something similar happen.

We kind of handle problems going on in different dimensions and sometimes make sure Canon events happen smoothly. Although I prefer my old life, I've got friends and people I consider family, so my life is pretty much the same.

More recently, I've been taking private classes on the basics of Earth. That's because I'm gonna have to live there for some time and I need to fit in. Although the classes are boring, I still try to pay attention, but it's all so simple I don't need to.

*2rd POV*

Suddenly, your pax started beeping. You glanced at the contact name and answered it.

"Sup chief?"

"Ian is looking for you, he's in the general office" Chief stated and hung up, you sighed and grabbed your pax before leaving your room. 

'Pax' A telephoning device that allows one to contact another (similar to a human phone)

You headed down the hall before arriving at the General's office, even before you opened the door, you heard them screaming. Once you opened the door, their eyes fell on you.

"(Y/n), do you think you're ready to start your mission?" The general stated in a very passive-aggressive tone. You saw Ian slam his hand on the general desk and yell again. "They've not even heard half the knowledge of Earth, tell me where they're going and then I can teach them the specifics!".

You watched as they continued back and forth, 'There was more to learn, jeez...'. 

"SHUT UP!" General screamed, he took a deep breath before calmly explaining "Boss has been on my ass for a while about this dimension. We can't delay the cover-up any longer, I'm not getting fucked because of you two", then he got up and walked away.

You heard Ian sigh, "So am I leaving early or... what?". Ian looked at you and laughed at your confused face, "I don't even know, General is just getting stressed about us not doing anything yet." 

"he should know by now I'm flexible, I'd be fine if you guys sent me out now" you simply stated and sat on the edge of General's desk.

"(Y/n), you definitely wouldn't be. I replicated their pax and looked through their network. We are nothing like them, all they do is stupid stuff, and they're at some serious war stuff right now" he stated but your eyes lit up and you asked him excitingly "You have their pax, what is it!?".

"It's called a cell phone" He smiled and pulled a square-ish piece of metal out of his bag and handed it to you. 

"why's it so big?" you asked, curious about its dumb shape, "oh, they're behind several millennia in tech, but they also use it for a lot of other things besides telephoning!" He brought out another and showed you a screen with a bunch of cat videos.

"and that is..?" he laughed at your lack of knowledge and played one, you stared at the screen before your heart started to melt as the tiny animals rolled around and begged for attention. "These are made for entertainment and telephoning. If you just use this for a while, I'm sure you can fit in with some highschoolers"

You lifted the one in your hand, "So this one is mine?" he nodded and spoke "And I can telephone you so we can talk without Chief budding into our conversations!". You smiled and turned on your cellphone just like Ian did, you saw the background was an image of you and Ian having a secret sleepover in his room. You laughed and suddenly General slammed open the door.

You scrambled to stuff it in your bag and awkwardly smiled at him, he looked at you with a smile. 

"(Y/n), your leaving."

"Great, I'm gonna do so well" you boasted, and although you wanted to brag about knowing everything, you were silently panicking because now you really knew you didn't have anything in common with these people.

Ian patted your shoulder and you patted his back, you then ran off to Chief's office for your supplies.

"Hey, Chief, General's sending me off so can I get my luggage, please" you stated, using a smug British accent at the end. There's another thing you learned, dialect! And it changes every place you go.

"You are heading to Hidariwakibara Cho, Japan, Earth, in dimension #523" She stated and handed you a bag that had a school uniform and a black rectangle that was oddly colored.

"what's this?" you lifted the card and you saw her check her screen for a second and looked back at you "It's called a black card, they use it as a currency" you hummed and stuck it in your pocket.

"Now head to your room, and put this code in" You took the small card and walked off staring at it. You smiled as you reached your room, because you knew, every single time...

'I'm so gonna die...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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