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No One's POV

 Y/N walked into a Supermarket with his hands in his jacket pockets

Y/N: *Sigh* Alright so I'll just get some Chicken Strips

Carnage: Hurry up! I said I was hungry!

Y/N: And I said calm the hell down I'm working on it! And don't talk to me in public people are gonna think I'm a crackhead or something...

Carnage: Whatever just hurry up!

Y/N: *Tsk* "Whatever just hurry up, oh look at me I'm a wimpy slimeball that needs others to survive"

Y/N said in a mocking wimpy voice

Carnage then made Y/N punch himself in the cheek

Y/N: Ah! What the hell man!

Y/N said holding his cheek

Carnage: Don't mock me!

Y/N: It's not my fault you have such a mockable voice!

Y/N yelled he then paused and looked around to see multiple people staring at him


Y/N then speed-walked into an aisle in embarrassment while Carnage started to laugh at him

Y/N: Shut up...

Y/N made his way to the frozen section picking up a plastic crate on his way. Once he got to the Can Section he picked up some green beans and put them in the crate

Carnage: Vegatables?? Gross! Where's the meat?!

Y/N ignored Carnage and made his way to the frozen meats section he picked up two 50-piece chicken strip bags and put them in the crate 

Y/N: Alright that's all I need, can't go on a big shopping spree right now since I'm unemployed...

Carnage: I didn't ask

Y/N: I wasn't talking to you 

Carnage: Then who we--

Y/N: Not you

Y/N said blandly 

Carnage: *Tsk*

Y/N was walking back to the self-checkout ready to pay for his groceries until loud shouting was heard


The man said shooting his shotgun into the air. Just then 5 more guys ran in holding pistols, shotguns, and ak47s

Y/N: You gotta be kidding me...

Y/N Said to himself


Y/N and multiple other people got on the floor as yelling from civilians was heard

The criminals were going around with ruffled bags collecting money from the cash register and valuables from the people 

Carnage: Great! Just great! More worthless Meatbags getting in the way of my food!

Carnage growed

A criminal made his way over the where Y/N and a couple of other civilians were at he then started to fill the bag with money from the register that the broke. After they were done with the register he then moved on to the people pointing his gun at them threatening to kill them if they didn't give him their valuables. Everyone complied and gave the criminal their things he then turned to Y/N who looked up at him

Carnage!Male Reader x Marvel UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now