Chapter 3

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           You chuckle, no you laughed. "Father?... Of... Hobie?", you laugh again and shake your head. You look at the him. He has the most straightest face you've ever seen. "Look Kid. I need to find my son. You're the only person that his been documented and seen around him. Where did he go.", he says staring dead into your eyes. Hobie didn't resemble him at all, look wise and personality wise. "Even if I did know why would I tell you? You're his father, his father who left him on the street for dead for God knows how long? The father who didn't even care about his disappearance until three years later?", you say with an sarcastic laugh. "Look. Hobie made his own choices and own decisions. I didn't want him to leave, he left. He said he couldn't stay in one place for the rest of his teen years. HE decided to leave.", he says shaking his head. 

        Sounded like Hobie, but you still didn't trust this tactic. You could have one conversation with Hobie and create a simple lie like this.. or maybe it was the truth. "Why do you want to find him now?", you finally ask the question that's been on your mind since the first questioning. "That answer doesn't concern you unless you're able to actually help us.", he says. You nod slowly and stand up from your seat. "If you can't answer my question. I can't answer yours.", you say while walking out the door. "You have my number whenever you change your mind Y/N", he states as you walk out the door. 

     You walk down the hall and out the door from where you enter. Everything in your body just broke down, your heart started beating faster each second, your mind racing with a million thoughts, you eyes start to water while your head begins to sweat. You tried to catch your breath and breathe slowly in and out. "Breathe. Just Breathe", you telling yourself mentally. After a while you finally break out of your panic attack. 

     It's been three days since the questioning happened, three years since Hobie's disappearance, 3 hours until your next shift. 

     You sit on your bed waiting for the time to past. You had nothing really going for your life. You just had your job and your home and- "Meow". The stray cat that comes every once in a while. You grab the leftovers from the takeout you had three days ago. He eats it with no complaints. You pet his head as he eats. "Time for work", you sigh. 

       You clock into your shift you go straight to the tech room. "Hey", you say as you watch his hands fiddle into the keyboard and his face lighting up with screen. "Heyy", you say again this time shaking his shoulders. It breaks him out his trance, he looks at you and rubs his face. "Oh hey, my fault.. ever since that Spider-Punk dude came I just been.. I don't know... I've been spiraling". You look at him and shakes his shoulder again, "About what". He grins. He was ready for this question. 

         "I have a theory that Spider-Punk is a local here", he starts. You raise your eyebrow but you didn't interrupt. "You remember the night he played? Of course you do.. everybody does. Remember he played a song that the band has not actually played.. it was a song that they wrote together it's never been released. Listen, I know this might sound fucking insane but what if it's an old member", he says looking into your eyes with his hands in the hand motioning an explosion. You smile softly, "Okay, I'm assuming you have a list of the old members?", as soon as the words left your mouth he pulled out a piece of papers and start listing names.

     "James Johns. Lunatic Larry, Chris explained why they called him that it's a crazy story... but.. Charlie Matts, Hobbie, Gar-", he continued listing but your brain cancelled him out as soon as Hobbie name was read. Your heart started thumping. "What else do you have", you say now taking him more seriously. He grins and pulls out more papers. You look over and find the paper that has Hobie name on it you take it up and see not much up there. "You have nothing on him?", you ask. He looks at the paper and shakes his head. "I didn't really look into him, the band members only said he was here for barely month only preformed about two times and called it quits.", he replies. 

    You nod your head. "Okay well honestly let's break the list down.", you say taking a seat beside him. Y'all had an hour before the shift really started. "We have to break it down to the poeple who actually helped write the songs in the time frame that song was played.", you say as you look over the list. "We have to ask the band members that.. you know how they get if we talk to them now.. so.. after? Do you want to speak to them after the concert with me?", he asks looking into your eyes. You don't look at his you just stare at Hobie's name. "Yes".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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