Chapter 45: The Grand Exit

Start from the beginning

She let her legs dangle from the tower and rested her head against the cold stone, fumbling with her medallion. Talk to me, Mum, Dad.

Nothing happened, it rarely did, and she knew that, and now she was lost, doubtful, looking down at the letter.

After everything that had happened with the DA and at Hogwarts, she felt like she failed her friends in a way, maybe her parents, too. She imagined they'd sit down next to her and tell her everything will be okay. And she'll let herself be naive for a short while, just because she wanted to believe it.

Sarah spent a while up there, the warm wind brushing over her face was calming and it cut her off from what was happening. She'd been so focused from January on the DA, the NEWTs and the Head-Girl duties, that this was the first time she just pressed pause.

Her spiraling almost made her miss the sunset, and she looked up at the sky, resting her chin on the metal barrier.

She didn't hear light steps marching up, but she felt someone's presence, her someone.

Sarah turned to find Fred walking up into the Astronomy tower. She couldn't help but smile softly, "How did you find me, Weasley?"

"The Map," said Fred plainly, approaching her slowly. "What are you doing here?"

"Just...pressing pause on everything for a little while," she glanced down at the letters then at the sky again.

"Can I join you?" asked Fred, reaching for something in his pocket.

"Of course," Sarah moved a bit to the side making space for Fred to sit next to her and he handed her a napkin holding three pieces of buttered toast and Honeyduke's a chocolate bar.

"You missed dinner, I couldn't take anything else."

"Aren't you sweet?" she smiled, unfolding the napkin.

"I am adorable, yes."

"I didn't say that, but you brought me food, so I'll let you believe what you must."

Sarah broke pieces from the toasts and ate them, all the while she and Fred didn't say anything, they just sat in silence, looked up at the sky.

She offered him half of the chocolate bar, that he declined at first but she insisted and they shared it.

"I got a letter from St Mungo's," said Sarah, breaking the silence finally, thinking if she would tell someone, it ought to be Fred. "Two, actually."

"What did they say?" asked Fred, turning to her and took a bite out of the chocolate bar waiting for her to continue.

"The first one said I got into the Trainee program," stated Sarah, saw how his eyes went wide with joy and wonder. "And the second, well-"

She handed it to him so he'd read it for himself.

Miss Sarah McCauley,

In accordance of what we have discussed a few months ago, I have officially approved your application to become my Trainee during your formative year and am looking forward to be working with you, having witnessed exploits and heard echoes concerning your person that have yet to be matched by any other Trainee I have had.

What this rather informal letter is trying to do, is more to offer you the chance to start early, it will be a pleasure to welcome you during the month of August instead of September, only if you wish it. It is a liberty I am partaking because I only select one Trainee a year. It might be an opportunity to see the unofficial setting, functioning and behavior of the hospital (the truest one at that), before they start up the program welcoming the Trainees.

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