Chapter 42: Details

Start from the beginning

She was holding the book, referring to the book but she also referred to the message and the thought in itself. She mattered to all these people, and it was such a heartwarming feeling, because they were all her everything.

She'd die for anyone of them and protect them with everything she has, and this meant enormously to her. She didn't have her mother or father, but she looked around to see she had built wonderful relationships with those around her, incomparable to anything in this world, outlasting the fleeting moments they spend together and reverberating into the universe as the strongest bonds one could acquire.

I love you, Mum and Dad, wherever you are. Thank you.

"Happy Birthday, dear," said Molly with Arthur and they left, everyone made their way towards her to wish her a happy birthday, too.

"Happy Birthday, kid. I tried to talk them out of the idea of a book," said Sirius, bopping her nose and she smiled, "Glad you didn't."

Remus hugged her, then Charlie, Bill, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny, and she was left with Selena, Fred and George.

"How did you even know about this?" she inquired, holding up the book.

"Details, McCauley, all about details," said Fred cheekily.

"We have our ways," said George, exchanging a look with him and Selena.

"Well, either way, it's incredible. Thank you. Come here you lot," she opened her arms and the four of them huddled into a warm hug, before going back to their talking on the couch.


Sarah couldn't stop tossing and turning, woke up and it was still dark outside. It wasn't new, of course, every other night she'd spend it staring at the ceiling or reading, just to keep her mind off what it keeps remembering against her will. Sometimes she'd write, when she was overwhelmed by her troubling dreams, she'd write and tuck the letter into a book, letting the words be carried away with the turning of pages.

No one was up yet, and she scurried to the kitchen, along with the book they all got her last evening, pacing with her cup of tea along the kitchen counter. She couldn't stay put, every now and then, an overwhelming anxious feeling would overtake her and she needed to move.

She was deciphering the writing in the corners of the pages while pacing, easing up her mind a little.

Suddenly, someone bumped into her, made her spill her cup of tea on the floor, her book dropping on the counter with a great thud. She gasped loudly and slipped on the liquid.

"Shit-Sorry," she heard and felt an arm wrap around her, kept her from falling on her back, gripping on the fabric of her oversized t-shirt.

Then she saw him, the dim light from the candle she was keeping around illuminating Fred's face and she froze for a second, finding herself face to face with him once again. Of course it was Fred, the universe was laughing at her.

"Sorry," she breathed out.

She felt strangely at ease with where she was standing, and her heart started pounding. "You okay?"

Fred opened his mouth to speak, but failed to, grateful for the lack of light in the room because she couldn't see his face completely dazed. And right then, with her hair all out of place, like it is every holiday away from school, a side of her he felt privileged to know, with his feel of the shape of her, perfectly fitting between his arms, with the lovely lavender smell wrapping around his mind, he realized he wanted to kiss her. That he's been wanting to kiss Sarah for a long time.

"Sorry," he breathed out, loosening his grip and she backed away to take her book back into her hands.

"You owe me a cup of tea," she whispered, "What are you doing up?"

Marooned - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now