his hand on her hip as his hand went underneath her chin grinning boyishly at her, his blue eyes darting down to her lips seeing her lipstick smudged not caring one bit that it has gotten onto his lips, leaning in again closing his eyes kissing her once more hearing their fellow islanders cheer them on, her head coming onto michael's chest as the lad smiled at his fellow islanders, his arms wrapping around her shoulders, "aww thanks, you're such a cutie,"

she sat up again as she looked into his blue eyes, "if you keep staring at me like that, tonight you aren't gonna go sleep," he tells her with a charming smile on his lips, happy to have his girl back.

"i am buzzing to have my girl back.." michael admitted to the beach hut camera, "i have hated being away from her these past couple of days, but i am happy that we have sorted things out," he tells the camera, "cause i have missed her kisses," michael said with a charming smile as there was lipstick on his lips, "i don't even care if there's lipstick on my lips right now, that is how happy i actually am,"

his eyes went to where his fellow islanders were as his hand went to her lip wiping at where her lipstick had smudged slightly.


"proud of you boy,"

andrew spoke as the man of the hour came through the bedroom door as michael's smile was so big at what had happened today.

his coupled up partner then comes through the bedroom door as michael stopped his jumping clearing his throat looking at his coupled up partner tilting his cowboy hat at her, "m'lady," paige's eyes went on her coupled up partner's opened shirt, "i'll see you in a bit,"

paige hummed kissing once more michael's lips who pulled back smiling down at her as he started to remove his clothing from his body leaving him in his underwear, coming upstairs brushing his teeth.

the davidson male brushed his teeth when paige comes in front of him, michael's arm wrapped around her waist as she stayed in front of his body as they moved together, michael smiling seeing them both in the mirror loving the height difference between them two.

he applied cream onto his face as paige rubbed in the lotion on his forehead as he rubbed the lotion into his chest area as the welsh paramedic looked at michael's blue eyes, "i do see myself falling in love with you," she tells honestly as he's sat in front of her as she rubbed in the lotion for him on his face, "i've already fallen," he tells paige.

michael went downstairs speaking the lads when his coupled up partner came into the bedroom where michael was already in their bed with his arm open waiting for her to come into bed.

paige's head laid on his chest until the bedroom light switched and the islanders all said their goodnights as michael moved down the bed so that his head would be against the pillow facing paige as his arm was on her waist as her arm was on his shoulder running her nails up and down his arm.

michael leaned in and pressed a kiss to her neck, smiling when the girl quietly chuckled into his ear as michael's hand went onto her hip loving her laugh, as his hand moved to her cheek cupping it leaning in as their lips moved together in a kiss that some of the islanders could hear.

jacques and laura turning their heads seeing michael and paige kissing as the football player moved a piece of her hair away from her face at their intense makeout in the dark.

he could makeout where paige's face slightly was seeing the girl's lip in between her lip, his hand moving paige's lip from her teeth kissing her again, their makeout intense as michael wanted to roll them over so that he'd be on top of her but stopped himself, their breathing heavy, "we should—we should go to sleep,"

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