mosskits goodbye

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the art of mosskit on the cover page is by Roseshards.

"Momma" the tiny she-kit wailed. Her nose was buried in her mothers fur, and pushed up against her littermates. "I'm cold...". She was shivering. The snow was touching her fur, she was becoming numb. The she-kit tried to wiggle but she couldn't. It felt as if she froze from the inside out. However, she was with Bluefur, Stonekit and Mistykit. Everything would be okay.

"I know, don't worry your father will be here soon," Bluefur reassured her. Father? Maybe she miss heard her, her father was Thrushpelt and he was back at camp asleep in his den. Like they should be. She wouldn't worry about that now though.

    The leaf-bare breeze became colder, and the snow started to fall again. The she-kits paw's started to freeze, and her whiskers were collecting ice. Stonekit and Mistykit were asleep by now, curled up with each other. She was also with them, but their warmth wasn't enough.

She didn't know how they could handle the cold. A small mew came from her, although she wasn't heard. She wanted to be at camp, in Thunderclan. With Thrushpelt. The tom would always play moss-ball with her when Mistykit and Stonekit didn't want to. He was the best father.

The she-kits eyes started to close themselves, she tried to keep them open. But closing. She had a feeling that it would make her feel better. And she was right.

Once she closed her eyes, she wasn't cold anymore. The frost on her whiskers started to melt. But she couldn't feel her littermates beside her anymore.

"Mosskit". Called out a gentle voice. The she-kit picked up her head quickly to see a beautiful she-cat , her fur was as white as the snow and her ears were tipped with black.
"Who are you?" Mosskit asked, wondering who this was. She looked over at her littermates and Bluefur to see if they noticed her too. But they didn't. They were still asleep.

Suddenly she noticed the tiny body of a white and gray patched kit. It was her.
"Im snowfur, i came to take you to starclan" starclan?! "No!". "I wanna be here with mistykit, stonekit and Bluefur, i don't wanna leave" she protested. It wasn't her time to go to starclan not yet. Every other cat gets to be a warrior. Why not her. She didn't do anything wrong. Why were they taking her? It wasn't fair.

"You will be able to watch over them from Starclan, and one day they will join you"
Snowfur explained wrapping her tail around mosskit. Perhaps Starclan wasn't as bad as she thought.

"Mosskit... wake up please." she heard Bluefur calling her name. She wanted to say I am awake! I'm right here. However, she couldn't. "Please! There is warmth and safety for you on the other side of the river.. They will take care of you" the blue-gray she-cat was frantically shaking the kit, trying to get her to awake from her endless sleep, all without trying to wake up her littermates.

"Come on, she will be okay eventually". Snowfur said, while walking off into the distance.
Mosskit followed, giving Bluefur and her littermates one last look then silently saying goodbye. She wished she could say goodbye to Thrushpelt too, though she knew she would never see him again. They would never play moss-ball. She would never listen to the elders' stories with Mistykit and Stonekit. She would never be with them trying to impress the clan ever again.

mosskits' goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now