43. You Are The Pain In My Heart!

Start from the beginning


- Good thing that you came Sky. He's not well. He's always lying and crying.

I'm turning my head like I've been doing for the last month. Everything makes a terrible noise, my head hurts. I need peace and quiet, and I can't find it. I'm tired, I'm sleepy, I want to rest. I just want to stay in this cocoon forever. Hide from everyone and no one will ever find me again. I can't remember how long I haven't been out of bed except to go to the bathroom. I don't shower, dress or eat. I've turned off my phone and computer for a long time because I don't want anyone to bother me. I just lie in bed and cry. Ruined by the grief that takes away all my strength. I don't think I'll ever get up again.

Then I start screaming, pushing, kicking, swearing at the whole world. I curse myself for being such a fool, for being so weak that anyone can fool me. I also curse him for having my whole being in his hands and throwing it away so quickly. In a moment, he stepped on it and completely destroyed me. And now there is no comfort for me. I'm stuck in this life that has nothing to do with my life a month ago. Now I've lost everything. I never knew what happened. What had happened in those few hours that he decided to ruin everything.

They won't leave me alone. Someone pulls the blanket, but I remain curled up with my eyes closed.

- Rain. - I hear my brother's voice. The bed falls down and he sits next to me. I can feel his warm body. He puts his hand on my cheek. His cool palm soothes my hot skin. - God, you're burning up. Open your eyes. - I slowly open my eyes. The light in the room irritates them, and I blink as long as I can focus.

- What are you doing here? - I ask hoarse and groan when I try to get up. My body does not listen to me, it has no strength for anything. He helps me get up a little bit and puts the pillow behind my back.

- I haven't seen you in so long. I missed you so much. - he smiles warmly and hugs.

I don't want him to feel sorry for me. But when I think about it, that's probably what I look like. - You okay? - he asks after he lets me go. I look confused. Am I okay? Can't you tell?

- I'm fine. - I say, even though I feel so bad.

- You don't look good. Mom told me you barely eat or leave your room. You sleep all the time. How long has it been since you showered? - he asks and looks at me.

- I'm fine. - I'm saying it a little harder. – I'm fine. I just need a break. - I put my hands in my hair. I'm kicking the blanket out because it's getting in the way.

- It's been a month since you took a break. Don't you think you should go out a little bit? Change your mind.

I'm tired and I want to sleep.

I lie down again and turn my back. I pray he gives up and leaves, but that's not happening.

- Rain, what's going on? You and Venice...

- I don't want to talk about it. End of story. I'm asking you to let me sleep. - I say and close my eyes.

- But...

- Please.

My request sounded very desperate, because he just sighed and left the room. I take the blanket and wrap myself over my head, continuing to suffer. That's what I'm doomed to do for the rest of my life. A life that Venice tried to ruin. You ruined us both.


- Are you seriously not leaving? - I ask wearily, the insolent ones who have just occupied my room.

While I was resting, the "eight dujets" stormed into my room and said they wanted to spend time with me. They sat down and talked as if I was not in the room. Paris and Flo sat on my bed, Natt and Ace brought chairs to sit on. And Archi, Peach and Cherry are sitting on pillows on the ground. Let's not forget Princess Tokyo, who decorated the room sitting in her pink armchair, which she had brought from her room. Of course, she used Paris for this job.

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