
It took a fair bit of convincing, but Donna somehow managed to coerce me into coming with her.

We spent the evening packing our bags until it was finally time to leave for the airport.

The girls all struggled to carry Donna's suitcase down the street as I grinned at them, speedwalking in front with my wheeled suitcase, not even trying to help-
"I've only got one hand, and right now it's currently in use. I don't want to waste all my energy right away, do I? I've got to be awake to show the nice desk lady that I clearly need extra space, and therefore, need to be in first class." there have to be some benefits to being disabled, right?


We finally made it to the airport, in the early hours of the morning, Donna, the girls and I all said our goodbyes and we made our way to the escalator and the elevator. My balance is bad enough without being on a moving fucking staircase, thank you very much.

A/N: Seriously. As a woman with Cerebral Palsy, staircases are the bane of my fucking life.

"The poor girl is under so much pressure.
The hotel reopening. We have to be strong for her. For them both."
Began Tanya, sitting alongside Rosie on a boat to Kalokairi

"Strong, absolutely."
replied Rosie.

"They need our support."


"They need bolstering."

"Yeah. Well, bolstering's what they'll get."

"What they don't need is you crying every time someone mentions Donna."

Rosie whimpered and Tanya sighed.

They got off the boat to be greeted by a very excited Sophie.

They laughed.

"I'm so glad you're here. And so is Aunt Y/N.

"Come on. Let's get this show on the road."
Rosie said, steaming ahead, leaving a very confused Sophie, who turned to Tanya.

"She's very strong."

They all get in to a car.

"I can't wait to see this hotel you've built."
Says Rosie, sitting in between Tanya and Sophie.

"Well, it wasn't actually me who built it."
Sophie said starting the car.

"What's it called?"
Rosie asked as the engine started.

"The Hotel Bella Donna."

"Oh, God."
Said Tanya, exasperatedly, as Rosie sobbed.

"So, two of your three possible fathers can't make it?"
Tanya asked.

"They're all my fathers, and they have great reasons. Harry is doing some huge deal in Tokyo, and Bill is receiving an award for being the greatest Swede of all time. Maybe it's for the best."
Sophie said awkwardly, hinting at Rosie had Bill's failed relationship.

"Oh. Oh, I would have been fine. Absolutely fine. I'm-I'm very strong."

"Just tell me you didn't invite your grandmother."
Tanya said.

"Wicked Witch of the West."
Rosie added, bitterly.

"She hasn't been seen outside of Las Vegas for decades-"

There was car horn honking heard and they met another car.

"You must meet our hotel manager."
Sophie said, parking the car.

I do, I do, I do, I do, I do |Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again|OC x Sheridan!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now