Chapter 5: The Prowler

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The two of them ended up landing on a very familiar apartment roof, overlooking the bright, neon lights of the city that flickered ever so slightly, almost like a small ceaseless glitch on the horizon.

Miguel signals silently to stay as quiet as possible as they make their way down the apartment block, but soon both of their senses start blaring, a feeling of agonising pinpricks unlike what they'd ever felt before. There was a sense of danger, of a fight soon to come, and as a result of these horrific suspicions Y/n pulled on their f/c wireless headphones, listening to Nothing Let 2 by Orbital. Soon they both ducked into a small room, and realised it was filled with creepy machinery and odd contraptions. The singular lightbulb above was on and shone with a red-magenta glow.

"Odd place..." Miguel whispered, wandering towards an old punching bag.

He decided to turn it out for inspection, but was taken aback by the sight before him. Y/n also saw, and stepped forward in shock.

It was Miles, in his tattered Spider Suit, hoodie and jeans, and Air Jordans. His eyes were tired and lacked the certain gleam he usually had. He looked at them both but was too exhausted to utter a single word.

"Miles!" Y/n whisper-shouted, running up to him and eying up his injuries and dark bruises, "What the hell happened to you?"

Before anyone else could reply, the room's door slammed open, and Y/n and Miguel went away to hide.

"Clear the area, we need to be prepared for these Spider-people, they'll arrive here any day now..." A new voice spoke, deep yet with a familiar accent.

Miguel recognised the voice; the Prowler. Y/n poked their head over their hiding spot, and was met with a figure, adorned with a heavy mask shining with bright purple lights. Next to the Prowler was supposedly the alternate version of Uncle Aaron, and as Y/n noticed him, he noticed them too.

Y/n dived back down again, but by the sounds of the frenzied shuffling beyond their hiding place it was clear that they'd been spotted.

"Good job Y/n" Miguel muttered, before slinging a red web around Aaron's ankles, instantly tripping him over. He reacted with a loud grunt, alerting the Prowler. Miguel and Y/n then arose from their place, and a fight began against the Prowler (and partially Aaron, who remained on the floor for a while).

The fight was intense: a mixture of rapid-fire webs flying around the Prowler, and hefty punches thrown left, right, and centre. Aggression. Power. A thirst for bloodshed.

But, as Y/n was about to dodge a piece of flying metal close to cutting their arm, they got punched in the centre of their chest by the Prowler; a punch strong enough to send them into the wall behind. This distracted Miguel, and as a result he too was sent back into a wall. They both sat in agony as the Prowler made his way up to Y/n with a predatory posture. Quickly, Miguel noticed what was to happen, and created a portal behind Y/n, one that was to take them to a safer Earth.

"Y/n!" Miguel shouted, grabbing Y/n's attention, "I'll see you on the other side..."

After that was said, Y/n was slung into the portal, it closing immediately afterwards.

The fight was over. They wouldn't have to see the Prowler for a while. But with that, they wouldn't see Miguel for a while either...

(Hope this was good for one of my first action scenes! Tysm for reading :D)

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