Chapter 3: Anger

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*Many moments later, in Miguel's Control Centre*

"So..." Y/n questioned, "This is where the magic happens?"

"Please refrain from saying that again," Miguel replied angrily.

"Ok, ok... So this plan you were talking about?"

"Right... so, your idiotic Miles is trapped on Earth-42 under the control of the Prowler. It is my, or rather our, job to rescue the kid alongside the other spider-people assigned for the job. But I assume this reckless young man can handle himself..."

Y/n nodded alongside his words, taking mental notes with every pause Miguel took. One thing stood out though; how Miguel refers to Miles as 'reckless', as 'idiotic', as an awful person...

"Miguel..." they spoke, accidentally interrupting him, "Do you... actually like him? Because by the sounds of it-"

Suddenly Miguel snapped unexpectedly.

"That boy isn't even meant to associate with us, but he's lucky we're even considering rescuing him,"

The silence afterwards was deafening, and the only thing that could be heard was the noise of the control pads. Miguel sighed and turned away from Y/n, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Y/n attempted to reach out their hand in comfort, but Miguel sensed the action quickly and whipped his head back around.

"I'm guessing he means alot to you, if you care about my comments towards him?"

Y/n sighed.

"He's a really good friend, and he partially helped me become the spider-person I am today... so yeah, he does..."

"Right, apologies..."

"Nah, it's fine. Let's get this plan started then,"

Miguel began walking away from the control pads and led Y/n away from the room, the two walking side by side.

But Y/n swore they could feel some sort of tingling heat on their cheeks... "oh well," they thought, "might just be the mask...".

(Tysm for reading! Regular updates coming in as usual)

Caught In The Spider's Web- Miguel O'Hara x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن