writer in the dark, turn off the light

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"Did my best to exist just for you

Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark"

"It's a mess in here I'm sorry" Nini says, carefully stepping over boxes and bubble wrap, the house feels empty, despite the many boxes that fill it, as though it's been stripped of its warmth. All the pictures pulled from the wall and shelves, placed delicately over each other wrapped up in cardboard. A few stray items lay scattered around, large rolls of bubble wrap placed hastily on the coffee table.

They walk through the house, making their way to the backyard. In retrospect it would have been smarter to go around the house instead of through it. They can hear music playing from upstairs, incoherent conversation between her moms faintly blending in with it.

"It's a beautiful tree house" EJ says hesitantly, looking up at the wooden structure, unsure of its significance to Nini.

"Mhm" she smiles, sitting on a lawn chair.

"Nini sweetie you're home!" Her mother's voice carries from the kitchen. Dana walks out to the backyard, part of her relieved to see her daughter. She keeps a smile on her face, though it goes quickly from genuine to wavering; one look at Nini's face and she can tell something has happened. Her eyes are still bloodshot and puffy, her smile weak, dulled in a sense; but she is trying to look happy for her mother so Dana tries to look happy for her.

She places a quick kiss on the top of her head, hand cupping the side of her face in typical motherly fashion; it's comforting.

Only then does she take notice of EJ's presence, it takes her a second to recognize him. "Mom this is EJ"

"I know" she smiles "we've met"

EJ had met her moms once last year, during their brief relationship. He had come over for dinner, it wasn't a very formal event, and they had been cordial; however EJ isn't quite proud of who he was back then, or how he had acted, not rude but perhaps over zealous and slightly pretentious. After that they had only seen him the nights they went to see the winter musical, in passing and slightly awkwardly glimpses that ended in polite tight-lipped smiles.

"It's nice to see you EJ, you look so grown up now, I heard you graduated this year"

"Yeah, it's very nice to see you too, I did graduate this year" he replies sweetly, there is little hesitation in his voice, however his expression is genuine. Dana sees the difference in tone, in character from when they had first met him; there is warmth that was lacking before.

"EJ's just helping me clear the treehouse"

There is silent acknowledgment of the fact that Nini cannot bear to go up there, even though EJ doesn't know entirely why, Dana does. "Why don't I help you?" She offers, looking directly at EJ.

They go inside the house, Carol is in the kitchen, she notices Nini's face too, exchanging a quick glance with Dana. EJ makes small talk for a few minutes until he follows Dana outside with the empty moving boxes. Nini stays behind with Carol, helping her make tea in the kitchen, a distraction she is grateful for.

The wood creeks lightly as they open the door, there's a light layer of dust on the floor, it's been a while since anyone's come up here. Dana opens the door all the way so the EJ can carry the boxes and wrap. Gently she closes it behind her, the smell of wood and light spring breeze fills the air, mixed in with the light mustiness of the treehouse. Sunlight seeps through the gaps in the door and the glass panes of the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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