Too Pure to be Pink

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I sat outside the principals office waiting fro my friends to be released; it was torture. I don't understand. I stole the car too. Why was I not being punished? Finally they all came out. "What happened?" I asked. "We got detention. For the whole semester." Jane said, her once determined spark gone. "What?! That's insane!" "It is what it is, not much we can do about it." Jane said, starting to walk to her first class. Nancy and Olivia took that as their cue to leave too. I knew I had to stick by my friends. I just didn't know how. I needed to get detention too.

"Don't worry El, we'll be ok." Cynthia tried reassuring me. "I just don't get it, I interrupted the assembly too, I help you steal Gil's car." I said. "Yeah. But you didn't show your ass to the whole school. Apparently that was the last straw." "Well, I'll just do something unrelated to get me into detention with you." I said, now hellbent on being there with them. "Right. Sure. You're going to walk into mcgee's office and do something so bad she gives you a detention. I totally believe that" Cynthia said, clearly mocking me. "I will. Just you wait." And with that I walked into miss mcgee's office.

"Miss McGee, I deserve detention too." She didn't even look up from her work, saying "No Ella, you don't. You didn't do anything." "I interrupted the assembly, I helped steal a car-" "You enthusicastically participated in democracy, just like your friends did for Mr. Aldridge, and you were dragged out of school and into a stolen car..." I don't understand. She knows that's not what happened. She knows I did everything of my own free will. Why is she saying this? " unless you do something actually requiring discipline, you may leave." I stood there, unsure of what to do, I gotta get into detention somehow. I saw a cup of paperclips our her desk and picked it up. I could feel her staring at me. I slowly turned over the cup, spilling the clips onto the floor. I looked up at miss McGee, her staring back at me. I felt bad, I couldn't let her kneel down on the floor and pick them up, who would I bee if I did that? I quickly dove down to the floor and started picking up the paper clips. "Ella, would you like to file some papers for me this afternoon so you can wait for your friends?" I have accepted defeat. I finished picking up the clips and stood up, "I would love that. I'll see you at 3." I said and walked out the door, only to be met with Cynthia, a knowing smirk of her face.

"You couldn't do it." She said. "I'll be right here waiting for you all to get out." I said. "Id expect nothing less." And we went our separate ways.

Finally, school was over for the day and I went to miss mcgee's office to help her with whatever to keep myself occupied waiting for the girls. She gave me some papers to file and I went on my merry way, although still very upset I couldn't be with my girls. I couple minutes later I found a couple documents that needed to be signed before they could be put away so I headed to find miss McGee.

"miss McGee, these say they need your signature, what do you want me to do with them." I walked into the room and saw the girls huddled around, talking to each other. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bug me a little, seeing them all without me. Just a reminder I'm not really one of them, that I'm still sort of a soc. Miss McGee started signing the papers so I could sort them when I suddenly got a sharp pain in my stomach. It's not that big of a deal, it happens sometimes when I'm close to my period, but it's still horrible in the moment. I grabbed onto the table to steady myself as the pain made it a little hard to stand. "Are you alright dear?" I heard McGee ask. "I'm fine. Just in a little pain." I replied. "Here dear, let's bring you to the nurse, can you walk?" "Yeah. I'm just a little slow." "I'll walk with her if you want to go ahead to find the nurse" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Cynthia walking up to me. She put her arm around my waist to help me walk. I dint really need it, the pain wasn't that bad, but I let her keep it there. We made our way to the nurse's office and found miss McGee frantically looking through a book. "I can't find anyone. Sit down and give me a minute." She continued to look at the same pages over and over again, hoping to find something new. The pain came in waves every couple of minutes and was getting more intense. I wasn't worried, it was just inconvenient, I was however a little worried about miss McGee. The pain came back and I grabbed the table. Cynthia, who had been sitting beside me, grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it.

Soon enough, the bell rang, signifying the end of detention. The pain was still there but was a little better and I knew I could make it home so I got off the table and started slowly walking out the door with Cynthia not far behind. "Thank you miss McGee. I'm ok enough to get home. I appreciate your help." "Oh. Ok. Are you sure?" She asked, but I was already mostly gone.

Once we were outside Cynthia said "quick thinking with that distraction." "What distraction?" I asked. "The pain thing. To distract McGee so Jane could get dirt on buddy? Didn't you hear us talking about it when you walked in?" She asked, confused. "No, I was really in pain. But, glad I could help." "You weren't faking? Are you ok? What was that? Do you need to sit down again?" Cynthia asked frantically. "I'm fine. It just happens sometimes. It's really not that bad." She nodded, but still looked worried.

We caught up with the rest of the girls at the Frosty Palace to debrief on what they found on Buddy. They also thought I just caught on to their plan and created a diversion, but I didn't correct them, I liked feeling helpful. Turns out buddy wrote Jane a letter saying he's sorry and exposing his previous relations with Susan. Jane decided we should crash Dot's party tonight and expose Buddy, but, if he was cool for going all the way with Jane, why would Susan be different? I didn't say anything because they all seemed pretty set on this plan. We made plans to meet up with the t-birds before heading to the party and went our separate ways.

Pink is my new favorite color|| Cynthia ZdunowskiWhere stories live. Discover now