There was the sound of something being pulled by chains.


And then the ground shook in front of the jumping goats. It was a wooden fence tied to chains. Spiky logs were revealing themselves, aiming at the cavalrymen.

The cavalry, which had jumped high, screamed.

Crack! Crash!


They naturally couldn’t overcome the acceleration building up so far and collided with the trap at full speed.

Yamanta hurriedly pulled the reins and stopped.

“It’s a trap! Turn sideways and attack!”

Now that they had come this far, running away was not an option. They must have been setting up these traps all this time.

The mountain cavalry quickly split into two groups and aimed at both sides of Ian’s camp.

It was the moment they entered the camp in such a formation.


The cavalryman beside Yamanta disappeared. No, it seemed as if he had disappeared.

To be more precise, he fell through a hole in the ground.

He wasn’t the only one.

The cavalry, which had been running vigorously, fell into the hole one by one. Kaistein’s camp had installed more than one trap. To top it all off, arrows were flying over their heads.

Thunk thunk thunk!

“G… General!”

Traps in front, arrows above. Bahara soldiers lost their lives within seconds. Despite some warriors’ efforts to protect Yamanta, everyone was eventually hit by arrows and collapsed, with arrows jutting out of their bodies like hedgehogs.

Yamanta gritted his teeth.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

Their raid ended up futile, but he had no other choice. They didn’t know what other traps were lurking ahead. 

Fortunately, there were no traps along the way. He would go back and avenge his dead men.

As Yamanta thought so.

“Now! Fire!”

The young voice was heard again from behind him. Yamanta gritted his teeth.

‘What are they up to this time?!’

Innumerable arrows showered on their heads. They couldn’t possibly use siege weapons, could they? That was when Yamanta thought so.


Something zipped past his head. It was a fire arrow. Even mountain goats were not scared of fire of this intensity.

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