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274. "I’m sorry" and "My bad" mean the same thing.... unless you’re at a funeral.

275. If you can walk down stairs!
Then you’re NOT A COW!!!

276. Literally after they mate. The black widow eats her ex
At least Taylor Swift just wrights a song about them 

277. Yellow Pill:

Gives you the ability to read anybody's Thoughts inside a 100m radius,
Can only use 5 times a day for a max of 30 min

278. Green Pill:

Gives you the ability to fly,
Can only use 3 times a day for am max of a hour

279. Blue Pill"

Gives you the ability to master any sport of your choice,
but toxins in pill only let you live for 10 years after consumption

280. Orange Pill:

Gives you the ability to get high without weed,
Can only use 4 times a day and lasts 45min

281. Red Pill:

Give you the ability to access the Internet with your mind,
Can only use 6 times a day for a max of a hour

282. Pink Pill:

Gives you the ability to shape-shift into anything,
can only use 2 times a day for a max of 2 hours

283. Grey Pill:

Gives you the ability to make someone in love with you with just a single touch,
can only use 10 times in your life time. 
Can turn On and Off 

284. Black Pill:

Gives you the ability to see into the future by a max of 5 years,
But using this power publicly can  cause a lot of hassle to your daily life.


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