Jiwoon hyung?

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"Mattchu ah, come here" Jiwoong said softly as Matthew bounded over to him in light bouncy steps.

"Jiwoon hyung!" He exclaimed as he fell onto Jiwoong's sweaty body with an oomph.

They rolled around on the carpet together, wrapped in an embrace as Matthew stared at Jiwoong's sweaty face.

"Am I attractive?" Jiwoong smirked as he held Matthew by the hips. Matthew gasped and shook his head furiously.

He knew goddamn Kim Jiwoong was a godsend from heaven.

Matthew felt extremely lucky to be surrounded by the most caring and lovely boyfriends. It didn't help that each one was equally attractive in their own way.

"Matthew ah- we're sweaty," Jiwoong groaned as Matthew laughed and buried his head in Jiwoong's tank top.

His muscles flexed as Matthew poked it innocently. "Wow, I never thought I needed you in a black tank top after dance practice" Matthew wondered out loud as he slapped a hand over his mouth and Jiwoong laughed.

"You guys are atrocious" Taerae said in mock disgust as he came into the living room to find Matthew and Jiwoong lying on the carpet randomly.

"If you're going to make out- be aware of public indecency" Taerae sassed as he moved onto the couch which he now felt uncomfortable sitting on.

Matthew tilted his head curiously as Taerae rolled his eyes. "Matthew ah, I love you- but how am I meant to enjoy my movie if my best friend is squirming next to me" he said dryly as Matthew paled.

Oh gosh, Taerae knew exactly what was going on that night Zhang Hao decided Matthew needed to be tortured.

Jiwoong wrapped an arm around Matthew's waist as the carpet softly tickled his skin.

Taerae tried focusing on this new kdrama airing, but all he could see were two lovesick boys cuddling and giggling.

And he had just escaped his dorm to give Hanbin and Zhang Hao privacy as well.

Gosh these four boyfriends were going to be the death of him. If they didn't kill Matthew's ass first.

"Skedaddle" Taerae sighed tiredly as he kicked them out of the living rooms and into the showers.

"Hyung, I need to go shower, I feel icky" Matthew complained as he stepped inside the bathroom. Jiwoong made no move to leave as he stared at Matthew with a slight lilt on his mouth.

"Together?" Jiwoong said as Matthew's eyes widened, but he nodded slowly. 

Matthew took his time putting on a show. He slowly stripped off his jumper, revealing his slim waist and strong arms as Jiwoong's watched it all with dark eyes.

Matthew shyly hid his hands over his lower body as he stared everywhere but at Jiwoong.

It was embarrassing, being exposed like this to one of your lovers.

"Matthew ah, you're beautiful," Jiwoong whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and gingerly led them to the shower.

They took turns cleaning each other, basking in the warm water and each other's presence.

"Wow Jiwoon hyung," Matthew marvelled as he ran his hands down Jiwoong's body, staring in awe at the sculpted muscles and veins.

The soaps squelched against both their bodies as Matthew sighed at Jiwoong's fingers gently massaging shampoo into his hair.

"Hyung, you're so good at this" Matthew breathed out as he sank into Jiwoong's fingers.

"Only because you deserve to be treated like a princess," Jiwoong chuckled as Matthew let out ticklish laugh.

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