Things I hate about wattpad n it's users!!

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Well this is just things that annoy me about wattpad, it users and even its mobile app... Im sure most of u can relate!! Comment the things that annoy u and ill add them n give u credit!

1. How people comment with only "Upload soon"... Bitch i realize with out ur help that i need to upload!!

2. When people write a story about someone close to them dying (like a brother) n then 3 secs later they go out to party... Listen ya dumb fucks!! if my lil bro died id lock myself up n be consumed with depression not drown myself in beer n had a good fucking laugh!!

3. When you go to add a charater n wattpad rejects it because thy arent familiar with the name... Well wattpad there is something called google USE IT!!!!!

4. Cliche plots... Ok i get it that almost every idea is taken but come on ur creative right... If not then why the hell r u writing stories... no one wants to read the similar is not same stroy 2 billion fucking times!!!

5. Cliche/Dumb titels... OMFG this kills me when i see a title like "My next door neighbor is a vampire, WAIT WHAT?!" Ummm yeah bitch i guess he is since ya bitch ass just said it!!

6. Cliche/Dumb titles that people actually like...  I spend so much fucking brian power thinking of titels n people arent really attracted to them but some ppl throw out bitch ass titels n people r sucking their cocks.. i mean really i see people with mind blowing titels and not many reads n they'll have like 45 chapters and then some douche with a horrid title, 2 chapters and 6,000 reads... FUCK THAT!!!

7. Wattpad(Mobile) How you have to go to a totally diff page just to comment and vote on a story that you really like.... I hate that so much like ill be in love with a story but i dont feel like waiting 2 mins just to get to the page to comment and vote.. BULLSHIT WATTPAD BULLSHIT!!!!

8. How people say they hate your stories but they continue to read... OK this just makes me hate peole even more because if you dontlike it then STOP FUCKING READING IT!!!

9. When people tell you ur chapter was short... Ummm hey dumbass i realize bacause i fucking wrote it... If you dont like the size of my portions then fuck me bitch...

10. People who put their stories on hold... Ok listen u mother-fuckers.. i love reading and if i get into a story n then a week later its on hold i feel like fucking ur face up sooooooo bad... at least i still have hope if u havent uploaded in a while but when its on hold ill remove myself from ur fans list and i exspect the same if i ever pulled that shit!!!

11. When stories that actually suck ass are very popular... Ok i dont want to put out names but i read this super long ass story bc i hate not finishing stories n it was soooo fucking horrid but it had so many reads like 2 million reads... who the fuck would read that (even though i did)!!!

12. When writers delete a story I was reading and loved... Ok if ya didnt like writing the story in the first place then ya ass should have stopped, besides gettin us all addicted then say "Well i kinda dont want to do this one anymore." Well too bad bitch keep writing till im satisfied!!! -From: The_Angel_Azrael

14. When people magically transport places... ok well this person just gave a good ass example n they said "I just read a story wherethese people took a bus from like california to hawaii and when i asked the writer how they did that she reported me." OMFG LMNSO well that just proves that she recognizes her own stupidity. Wow nice just 'said writer' for being a dumbass and not knowing the geography of your own fucking country! DICKFACE! From:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2011 ⏰

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Things I hate about wattpad n it's users!!Where stories live. Discover now