The Return

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Celestia closed her eyes, and looked longingly out the window. She was desperate for something interesting to happen. Anything to happen. Yet here she was, trapped in constant meetings with nobles and citizens. Celestia sighed, wanting to feel the adrenaline of adventure. Celestia wanted the Saviour to return. "Oh, Saviour. I wish you to return."

The wind picked up, wheezing through the castle. The light of windows shined, and slowly, a red box materialised. Celestia watched with happiness in her eyes, as the guards, nobles and other ponies watched in amazement.

The TARDIS finally landed. The doors swung open, revealing the Saviour. "Hello! I'm the Saviour, the one who travels about the place!" She called, and turned to Celestia, smiling. Celestia stood up, happy to see the Time Lady. "Welcome, Saviour. It is good to see you." Celestia said, her tone full of happiness and excitement.

The Saviour looked about, her eyes darting around the room. "Ah, I see. Well, come inside if you want an adventure." The Saviour said, reentering the TARDIS. Celestia looked out at her subjects, smiling like a child. "Princess Celestia, where are you going?" A noble said, and Celestia pushed the door open, the golden light falling onto her face. "I'm going on an adventure." She said, and entered the TARDIS, closing the door behind her.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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