My Beginning

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In my 17 years of life I saw love as a story and thats it. My brother were always torn between our parents. Their story is, Mum and Dad were high school mates and because of Poppa's company mum married dad to keep the company afloat. Mum was dads childhood sweetheart. But because of my grandparents death mum and aunt Ara moved in with great poppa and momma. Anyway the union happened and let just say it wasn't a harmonious one. Not long after convieving us, dad slept with other woman. Mums heart was broken to this very day. 9 months later my brother and I came life. So I never saw a happy story.

Mum is a hopeless romantic but with work to distract her, she believes shes too busy for love. Its only been dad I've seen with mum. I've seen mum cry laugh and scream because of dad. When Ricky and I were really young we saw dad hugging another woman and let's just say I saw my mother so white she lost the last she had in her heart.
Dad has always been a lost soul. He was the one who told me stories at night, taught me about dreams and told that boys have cooties. According to him boy cooties is the worst thing to have. Dad is weird, he sees mum in a different light and he only looked at mum like that. You know that feeling of total satisfaction. For years he attended my dance performances and took me to the library every week. Dad is amazing m favourite.

Ricky is my older brother by like two minutes. He's always doing some kind of sport but mostly football and basketball. From a young age I knew he would be a sports jock. Ricky does love reading as well but mostly its sports. Him and I are inseparable. We fight like cats and dogs but if anything would happen to his little sister, all hell would break loss. He my first bully and biggest body guard.

Me well I'm Christelle Shirley. Mum calls me miss, for dad it's baby, for my bro its baba and my friends they call me Chrissy. So you can call me Chrissy. Im 17 and I like to think I live in a world of fairytales. Well thats what i read everyday. Yes I doget out hang with friends and do others things but you can't get between me and my books. This is my diary. I know no one is reading this but its nice to know if someone finds this you'll probably read this and want to know who this belongs to and they might even enjoy it. It will have boring moments, highlights and lowlights of my life. I will chuck in throwbacks and memories that connect to that moment so please read on. You never know you may even like it.

Love Chrissy

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