guilt and apologies

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"Can I um, please can I go in his room I just want to make sure he is ok, like I know you said he is sleeping but I feel guilty and I just want to see that he is ok" I rushed out once again not making much sense, I normally do this after an outburst when the guilt is feeling unbearable.

"Let me ask Matt first, just a warning tho if Matt allows you to come inside, Asher is sleeping in Matt's lap currently and his sleeves are rolled up and covered in bandages that have recently been put on him, it's not anything to bad but it is quite sad" Dylan explains, pulling at my heart stings again feeling overwhelmed with guilt.

"Are you saying he.. he hurt himself because of me" I whispered out looking at the floor. The guilt I feel in this moment is horrid.

"No Bub, he has scars from past episodes I assume, he did burn himself and knock his head against the wall a couple of times but I don't think it had to do with you, he's scared, emotional and unaware of what's going on with him. It must be overwhelming for him ok? Just wait here for a second" Dylan assured before disappearing behind the door again. I knew he was talking with Matt and normally I would listen to what they where saying but I was consumed with my own thoughts. Why did I have to say what I did, I need to make it up to him. I will protect Asher from here on, no more yelling at him, he needs out help and I'm going to provide it. All my thoughts centred around the new angel who I know needs help but is scared of getting it. So consumed in my thoughts I didn't notice Dylan come back out of Asher's new room until his hand lightly grabbed my hands, being my attention to him. Looking up a Dylan I see him analysing my face, bringing forward his therapist side of himself before his expression changes to that of a soft smile.

"Matt said you can come in, but you need to be quiet and remember it's not a happy site" Dylan passes on the approval from Matt, I go to walk into the room but Dylan grabs my hand stoping me. "Thank you for wanting to check on us bub, I'm going to go down start and check on Ethan and Harry. Be a good boy for Matt" Dylan informs me before warning me to behave. After I step inside the room my eyes instantly find Asher sleeping in Matt's arms, looking venerable and fragile. I walk over to them and sit in front of where Matt is holding the poor boy, my eyes scanning Asher's face and skipping over the rest of his body hesitating on his bandaged arm for a couple seconds before Matt cleared his throat. My eyes snapped straight to Matt's and I recognised the look he held, he looked upset and worried at the same time.

"He's ok hunny" Matt reassured me softly. Before looking at the boy in his arms and smiling softly. "He slipped. I don't even think he knows he douse it" Matt stated looking back up at me

"As in, you know into headspace?" I asked just to verify what I was thinking.

"Yes Peter he went into his headspace, I think when he wakes up we will have to go over rules and stuff like that. Then you can talk to him and apologise and explain yourself then we will talk to him about the headspace" Matt plans ahead.

"Um, if it's alright can I apologise first I feel really bad. I want to protect him and make him feel safe" I explained why I want to talk to him straight away. Directly after I asked Matt about talking to Asher, he jolted awake tears springing to his eyes as he tried to push himself away from Matt.

"Sweetie, please stop. Calm down, it's ok you're ok. You're safe" Matt's focus is pulled away from me and is completely on calming Asher down. As his hands run up and down Asher's back I notice his breathing starts to even out. Until he is eventually completely calm.

"Little one, can you look at me please" I softly ask him. I decided if I am to ask for his forgiveness someone else should be there in case he freaks. My hand softly reaches towards his face but he try's to move away from me, so I drop my hand and look towards Matt.

"Sweetie can you please hear Peter out, he won't hurt you" Matt runs his hand up and down Asher's back to avoid him from freaking out.

"O-ok, just no y-yelling please" Asher's soft voice struggles to find the words to say.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, like that little one. I just let my issue's take control when I thought you didn't like us I got upset as we haven't had the time to get to know each other and I thought that you automatically just concluded not to like any of us. Although I understand that, this is no excuse for how I treated you and I would very much like it if you could forgive me and we could get to know each other, I would understand if you want space tho" I apologized guilt once again taking over my mind and body.

"I-its ok. I f-forgive you, i-its was my f-fault for being rude a-anyways" Asher muttered out looking at the floor as tears filled his stunning eyes again.

"No, it was no where near you're fault, you are in a new place surrounded by people you don't know and your confused, I should of known better then to let my emotions get the best of me little one. You are in no fault at all" I assure Asher that he is not at fault and reach my hand forward to wipe a tear that had fallen from his eye away, this time he let me touch him.

"O-ok" was all Asher responded with, his eyes meeting mine. I know I'm going to protect him form now on.


Hi my love's, that's the end of this part haha. The image up the top is how I imagine Dylan comforting Peter. So how are we feeling about Peter at the moment? Let me know. Anyways love y'all stay safe, drink water, eat food and sleep well. -little elf.

the place they sent meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz