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The streets were narrow and was like a human sea.The streets were fast paced and hectic.There was lot of honking,shouting and bargaining all at once.The streets were full of hawkers and tourists.Mothers were holding their children carefully and closely. Everyone was walking cautiously in fear of who would die next.One would ask what was happening in this town that was once a sweet,happy town which was where the crown prince resided.Nobody was safe anymore.Not even the crown prince.

l was in my father's shop.Folding the materials and ironing some clothes that were to be delivered the following morning.He is a fashion designer that makes one of the greatest fashion line in the country with the finest material.That he gets from our was now almost sunset.l quickly closed the windows and went to the back and entered the secret compartment.Actually my father made it for us,me and my siblings in case of war or something.

I occasionally went to learn martial arts and boxing class.ln a secret university that trained assassins.Well l didn't want to be an assassin it was for self defence.l took my coat from the secret room,closed the door of the shop then made my way home.lf l had a car it would have been easier but in this community if you were wealthy it was rare for you to drive beside if you were a male.

l refused to be drove around in those posh cars of theirs.Hence l preferred walking and horse back riding.For me walking was easy because l never wore those colossal dresses the other ladies here wore.Also it was refreshing and l got time to think and breathe freely.

Today l had put on a very luxurious dress in lightweight silk crepe de chine in an exclusive diamond line print.A corset dress that had puffed see through sleeves.That was not tight was light green in colour which complimented my skintone perfectly and either ways green was my favourite reminded me of the forest and spring morning.l loved nature a lot.So everything l used from lotions to perfume was nature gave me a sense of relaxation.The colour green was serene.The colour resurrected in early spring to paint out the landscape again from brown to a soft fern haze.

The sun had now set.There was no single soul moving outside.No chatter and no light to show that there is life in this seemed as if it was deserted.Like the shadows of death were lurking in the was worse because now it was autumn and the wind that came with the season didn't help.

I walked fast then entered the was dead quiet.Everyone had went up to their rooms.The only light that was illuminating in the hallway was the ones that were in the stairway.

I made my way up the stairs making sure to switch off the lights and went into my room.l took off the dress and put on my fluffy cotton pyjamas and my black coat.

I got out of the house through my window.We were never allowed to meet anyone after midnight.

I descended from the tree that was near my bedroom window and went out the enormous gate.l ran to where l was going with all the might l had.

When l arrived l was panting really hard.l climbed over the wall landing  with a soft thud.l made my way to the left side of the house where there were tall pine trees.l climbed up one and knocked softly on the window but  enough to wake the owner of the room.

The window opened and the person helped me inside.The only thing that was giving this room light was the shone so brightly in the night sky.Making me wonder why it was shining this bright when it was all alone in the night sky.

I looked up at the person who l had visited.His face was illuminated by the moon.Making his stormy blue eyes stand out more.They looked like deep pools of fear.He was truly beautiful but untouchable.My fingers where itching to run all over his smooth face and silky soft golden locks on his head.He looked down at me with a beautiful,charming smile and said"Little El what are you doing here in the middle of the night and how did you even enter the palace with all the guards at the gate".

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