Chapter One

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"I don't want this assignment."

"You don't have a choice."

"With all due respect, sir, I'm a senior agent. I should have some say over my own assignments by now."

The man studied Megan silently. She was thinner than the last time he'd seen her, and there was a new hardness in her dark eyes. Megan stared at him in thinly disguised challenge, the anger simmering very near the surface.

The folder on the man's desk held her service record. It was flawless, exemplary in every way. It told the crucial facts, but none of the story. No one had ever known the whole story, and now, they never would. Megan wasn't talking, and no one wanted her to. What everyone really wanted was to get on with business as usual, and it was this man's job to see that that happened.

"You've been selected by the Security Committee. They think you're the best one to head up the detail. Their decision is non-negotiable."

"It's a goddamned baby-sitting assignment! Any rookie could do it," Megan seethed through clenched teeth.

She was skirting the edge of insubordination. She knew it, but she didn't care. There wasn't a single thing anyone could do to her to hurt her more than she already has been; except maybe bury her in a bullshit detail like this. Megan needed a field assignment; something that would consume her energy; something that would exhaust her mind; something that would obliterate her memories.

"Is it the injury? Do they think I'm not fit for active duty?" she demanded.

"Are you?" the man questioned.

"Of course I am!" Megan responded hotly. "I've been released from rehab, and I'm done with the mandatory psych eval."

"Good. I'm glad to hear it. You still start tomorrow. I suggest you review the available reports from the current commander before you leave for New York."

"Damn it, Morris! You know I don't deserve this!"

"This has nothing to do with you, Agent Pete. Try not to take it personally. That will be all."

Assistant Director Morris Chestnut watched the tall, slim agent as she turned away, stiff with rage. The turmoil within her was clear, as her curls bounced angrily with each step.

Morris had no doubt Megan would give this assignment her best. She always did.

What he did wonder was, where would she eventually put all her anger?


"Booth seven is free," the firearms supervisor informed her.

Megan nodded, grabbing a pair of protective earmufflers before walking through the small office to a long corridor. It opened into the individual firing stations, and she hurriedly made her way inside.

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