Fight 😘😘

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A/n: y/I/n means your insult name

Y/ns pov

"Hey y/I/n!" my bully said "what do you want?" I said "come fight me now." She said "k" I replied

At the back of the school

"Hit me." She said "if you say so!" Y/n said and then punched her in the face "AHHHH!" She yelled "my nose it's bleeding! All because of you freak!" She said "I-" I said " okay let me hit you." She said cutting me off "k" I said  *slap* "what was that?" I said as I pushed her to the ground "it's time for the real fight!" I said

Me and her fought until the principal showed up "get off her!" He said

"That's when you showed up!" I said "so?" He said "SHES BEEN BULLYING ME FOR MONTHS!" I yelled "y/n. I honestly don't care." He answered your yelling "fuck you." I said "young lady sit over there I'm calling your mother ." He told me as I rolled my eyes

Sadies pov

I walked in to the principals office to get my times tables "Sadie sink. Okay just sit over there beside that girl." The vice principal said as I was going over there "hey." She said "hi?" I answered "my names y/n . Heads up this school sucks." Y/n told me "I'm Sadie." I said "Sadie sink!" The vice principal's said to me "I have to go now see you another time!" I said "y/n!" Someone screamed "hi mom." She said "your grounded !" Her mom said "byeee" she told me "bye?" I replied .

A/n : requested by phoebeb35
Words: 275

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