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          ●But You'll never know 

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          ●But You'll never know

                      unless you walk in my shoes


pain.thats what I'm feeling,I didn't imagined my life turning upside down in just a day?I wish I could turn back the time,but it's impossible right?

I was okay with everything....I was used to that so I didn't complained,but being forced to stay with someone?no,I can't bear that,but I am helpless,it's not like soojin didn't didn't anything for me...she haspd done enough now,and how much she will do for me?

I am like her sister,she loves me so she tried to protect me at any cost,oh how silly I was that I thought once I will get out from that house,then everything will be fine....but it only got worse

right,I got it...I got it that I don't deserve to be happy.

I should have died with my parents,oh god why did you kept me alive...only to suffer?why it's always me?can't I get peace in my life?
you gave me a family,but it was just a name,the peoples are heartless

they think I don't remember that murder...but they don't know how much I have cried from the nightmares,how much I have forced myself not to break out jnfront of anyone

I wanted someone to comfort me,someone that will love me,and I found that person too,then why did you added an extra person who is nothing but obsessed with me

and that obsession is not doing any effect on him,but it is breaking me instead

I hate my life,I just want to die right now

and I am gonna do it now, one jump from here and I will be gone forever

tears began to fall from her eyes but she quickly wiped them and smiled

why am I crying? I should be happy that the pain I am holding will be gone forever,I will get free from every pain in his world

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