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"That boy" soojin again teased her with the name 'that boy'
Aerin rolled her eyes "oh please I already told you that he just saved me nothing elseee"

Soojin didn't said any thing but just gave her a teasing smile
Oh how much aerin wished to rip that smile off her face but
She can't because she is her beloved 'bestfriend'

"Hmm hmm I seee" soojin teasingly hit her shoulder while aerin gave her 'how many time I have to tell you?' Look

"Infinite times because I won't stopp" aerin gave her a pissed look

Soojin suddenly remembered about the boy who she saw with her 'that boy' blood rushed through her cheeks remembering how they made eye contact

"Now why are you blushing" aerin gave her a 'BoMbasTic SiDe eYe'

Soojin's immediately face palmed herself "geez,you look like an expired tomato...don't blush" aerin said giving her an 'DisgUstEd look'

"Oh please" soojin sarcastically said and was about to mock her but aerin's phone rang showing and unknown number

"Take it....what if it him?" Aerin was about to go outside to attend the call but soojin stopped her

"Put it on speaker" soojin exitedly said.

Aerin attended the call only to hear a deep voice "hello"
Aerin said "umm are you miss aerin?" The boy on the speaker said and soojin recognised him and snatched the phone

"Yah how did you get her number?who gave you?" Soojin shouted at him and aerin widen her eyes

"Calm down,geez" soojin make a fist "lee felix I told you not to call or text any of my friend...your deep voice make them scared" soojin whined

Aerin mouthed  her 'give me my phone back bish' and snatched the phone

"Sorry sorry I didn't knew that it's you so I handed her the phone" aerin glared at soojin

"Yah I thought its 'that boy' " soojin whinned while felix frowned "who boy?" He asked

"You don't know anything so just keep quiet and don't dare to call at this hour shoo goo" soojin said and cutted the call

"Soojin...why did you do that?" Aerin glared at her "Hey he gave you his business card right?" Aerin nodded

"So just call him br- soojin was cutted off by the ring of her phone

"Gosh I will not leave this felix" she snatched the phone and attended the call without letting the other person speak soojin started scolding him

"Lee felix I told you not to call at this hour you are disturbing us don't you understand do i have to give you a letter that please don't disturb us at this hour we are busy?
We are waiting for someone else's call so don't bother us please or else I will tell ajhumma to scold you" soojin rapped like jin again

"Calm down why are you shouting like a mad woman?did you go insane oh god why my one and only friend is getting insane day by day" aerin dramatically said

On the other line the person was listening to all the blabbering think to stop them he finally spoke

"Oh ladies please Calm down I am not lee felix" they both heard the voice and soojin immediately recognised it

"FINALLY THAT BOY CALLED YOUU" soojin shouted like a mad woman again going insane

"What boy?" Aerin asked acting like she is confused,soojin gave her a pissed look "stupid kim taehyung himself called you" soojin whispered

Aerin rolled her eyes snatching the phone "Hello?" Aerin spoke

"Hi do you remember me?I am k-" her was cutted by aerin

"I know you are the 'kim taehyung' and I know what is the reason you called me..to tell me what I have to do to payback right?" Taehyunb rised his eyebrows

"You are right...alright meet me At hotel del luna" aerin nodded saying an okay and cutted the call

Meanwhile taehyung frowned that why would felix will call aerin?

"Oh My God....he asked you out on a datee" soojin chirped as if someone have asked her instead of aerin aerin gave her a judging look before speaking

"You can go if you want..I am jot in the mood anyway"soojin immediately sooked her head "nah you will go...let's get you ready" soojin stood up but aerin just looked at her dumbfounded

She forcefully made aerin stand and take her to the closet
And gave her clothes to try..

After very good rejecting session of half hour she finally approved a dress making g aerin sigh in relief
She gave her a slight makeup

"And...done wow aerin you are looking like a princess who ran away from her house and met a prince who is not asking her on a date Gosh why am I single" aerin heavily sighed and palmed Soojin's mouth with her palm

"Stop you blabbering I am going,bye" aerin said and walked away While soojin huffed loudly

"OH GOD....HERE I AM HELPING YOU FOR YOUR FIRST AND LAST DATE AND YOU ARE HERE BECOMING ANGRY WITCH...OH GOD WHY DO YOU MAKE HER LIKE THIS" soojin yelled loudly and huffed last time before going outside the house

Soojin opened the door of driver seat and started the car huffing she drove the car in its highest speed causing aerin to scram

"AHH SOOJIN I SWEAR I WILL NEVER EVER ANNOY YOU PLEASE I DONT WANNA DIE SLOW THE SPEED" aerin begged and soojin finally slowed the speed making her sigh in relief

After sometime they reached 'hotel del luna' aerin came out of the car and saw a lamborgini parked there so she knew that he is already here She went inside and walked to the reception

"Hello,I am here to meet kim taehyung" the receptionist lead her the way and she reached there

And there she saw him...sitting on the chair using his phone

Aerin cleared her throat and he looked at her he was wearing a black suite..he was looking.......HOT

he smiled at her "hi miss,aerin" aerin smiled back and replied

"Hello Mr kim...we meet again" He nodded "please have a seat" he said and she went and sat on he chair

"So,let me come to the point...what do you want as a return of 'saving me?"

Taehyung thought for a while and said

Hmm..what about a.....

Words count: 1073

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