Chapter 17-I knew you'd get sick, this ain't the notebook bro

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"Not sure I'm worth the pneumonia."

"Shut up Nikilson, you're always worth it. How goes the family thing?" I asked, somehow feeling a little better.

"Much needed to be honest. Just a minor hiccup though, but he won't be staying here much longer."


"Your dad came?"

"How'd you... Wow. Yes, him."

"I know how hard this is going to be for you, but don't completely burn that bridge just yet. Even if he says something to piss you off, be the bigger person. For the sake of your grandparents. Okay?" Man, I was getting weaker by the second, am I even making any sense?

He took a deep breath, and replied.

"I don't know if I can do that, but for you, I'll try. I gotta head back, but please rest Soph, or I'll worry, and if I get too worried, I will take the plane right back."

"Dude. I will be fine, do not come back early, cherish this time with your family and with your grandparents. But it's really cute that you care, you know? I appreciate that." The more I spoke with him, the better I felt mentally and that helped a lot.

I still coughed like a dog though.

"You better get used to it too. Anyways, bye hun. I'll be texting you in between meetings to make sure you're okay."


"Okay. Sounds like a plan. We'll talk soon. Bye now."


I don't even think I hung up the phone, it just fell out of my hands and on to the carpet as I slowly closed my eyes. The last thing I remember was hyperventilating until I lost consciousness.

The rest of the day was a blur. I vaguely remember waking up at all, but I also kind of remember seeing Landon and Cooper. I vaguely remember seeing a doctor as well, even though that's impossible because I didn't leave my bed all day. I also vaguely remember my phone ringing, and I kind of remember drinking some soup that Lara brought. What I distinctly remember happening though, is me throwing up profusely some time in the middle of the night. Thank God for Lara, because she put a huge trash can next to me.

I laid back down against my pillow, and I could finally breathe without seeing stars. My throat didn't hurt as much and I turned to my right and figured out why. There was a whole IV setup by my bed. Normal Saline and antibiotics, maybe that's why I was feeling so much better now. I took a sip of the water sitting next to me and it was still cold, with lemon and ginger cut up in it. The last meaningful conversation I remember having was with Axel on Thursday when he went to visit his family. I think today is Thursday isn't it? Or yesterday? I do not recall at all. I found my phone being charged atop my bedside table.

Bless your heart Lara.

I picked it up, and I almost dropped it back down. It read "4:04am SUNDAY".

How the hell is it Sunday morning? What the hell did I have, the bubonic plague?

I unlocked my phone, and there was a million and two missed everythings; calls, messages, voicemails, emails, and even new episodes.

I opened my messages first, and there was about ten from Axel alone.

From: Axel

"Hey! How are you today?"

"Soph, are you okay?"

"Powers what's going on"

"Okay, I texted Lara, you scared me. I gave her my family doctor's number and he'll be visiting you soon. Please text me when you see this."

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