Finding Out That I'm wanted...

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         Dick and I, well, maybe I should just to refer to his actual name, Dex and I have been walking for at least two hours on the main road, and I have yet to spot another vampire. I don't know why I am keeping an eye out for them. Dex did say that most vampires can't be in direct sunlight like he can. And if I am not mistaken, daytime is basically nighttime for the average vampire, so, they're most likely in their homes sleeping.
           I want to learn more about the vampires, like, actually hearing things from the mouth of one instead of reading books and useless gossip. And this would be a good conversation starter. I'm tired of walking in silence. "So about Redville," I start. "What about it?" Dex responds. "What's the community like? Like, how does Redville differ from Enchante Isle?" I inquire.
             "Without stating the obvious, vampires for the most part keeps to themselves. We don't go out hunting for blood. We actually have blood banks that we can go to and make purchases of various types of blood we wish to consume; almost like a grocery store," Dex explains, "we do have some vampires that go rogue and attack travelers for the thrill of the hunt and excitement; not necessarily the feed, because blood is pretty affordable and plentiful".
         Hmm, well I didn't know that. "I heard that vampires mainly prefer blood from the vein because it tastes better?". Am I stating or asking? Dex shoots me a look. "It is true. Fresh blood from the vein does taste better. But the average vampire is not going around hunting others for it. We're not savages. And honestly, the only vampires who can actually afford blood from the vein are the rich ones".

"The rich ones?"

       "Yeah. Just like your kind has high ranking wealthy wizarding families, we have wealthy vampire covens known as the elites, and they can afford fresh blood from the vein," Dex elaborates. Now, my curiosity is really piqued. "How?" I ask, "since they don't hunt for it". The main road begins to curve. Once we come around the curve, we continue to keep straight. "Folks will willingly volunteer to let a vampire feed from them at a very high price. Some of the wealthy covens even have live-in feeders residing with them, and they get treated real good from what I've heard," Dex tells me.
            Wow. "Do the elites do arranged marriages also?". Why did I ask that? I'm sure that they do. But Dex surprises me when he shakes his head no. I look to him with a grimace. "But what about strong bloodlines and passing generational wealth?". Again, Dex shakes his head no. "Vampires don't worry about strong bloodlines and shit like that. We marry who we want to marry. Our bloodline continues regardless, just like our wealth. Those who choose to do that are strictly worried about status," Dex explains, "is that what your kind does?".

"Yeah. The wealthy families and those in politics and government. Regular working witches and wizards can marry who they choose," I answer, looking down at my feet as we walk.

           "Be honest, is that the real reason you're wanting to go to Untied Topia?" Dex asks, "are you in an arranged marriage?". I sigh, "I ran away from the altar. I never went through with the ceremony, but it's more than that. It's so much's complicated". Dex doesn't say anything. In fact, we don't speak again for another two hours.
            "You never told me your name," Dex says as we began to cross a cobblestone bridge over a clear, smooth flowing creek. "Huh?" I look up at him. "Your name, you never told me," Dex rephrase. "Nia," I say, giving him my nickname. Dex slowly nods his head. We cross the bridge to the other side and make the only turn that is on the road, which is a right turn. Minutes later, we approach a sign that reads: WELCOME TO REDVILLE-INNER CITY.
             From where I can see, it almost looks like Enchante Isle. I can see all kinds of structures of shops, pubs, banks, neighborhoods, parks, schools, and tall infrastructures that I'm assuming to be government offices. And a little distance away, I can see a gated community segregated from the main city. I point to it. "Is that where the elites stay?". Dex nods his head and walks forward.
                I follow close beside him as we step into the inner city. I note that it's very quiet besides a squirrel or two swinging from the lamp posts and trees. All of the businesses are closed until dusk. Except for a "Day club" that is open as Dex and I walk by. The music loud and thumping through the quiet streets and I can even hear the party goers inside hootin' and hollering to the music.
            Another forty minutes of walking and we come to a stop at an Inn. The sign reads: TWILIGHT INN-ALL ARE WELCOME. "All are welcome?" I ask. "Yeah, this is the only Inn for visitors and travelers of all sorts in Redville. An old friend of mine is the inn keeper here, so we'll stay here for the evening. It's almost sunset, and you look like you could use some sleep and food...and probably a shower," Dex smirks at that last statement. "I beg your pardon?" I ask, affronted. Dex ignores me with a chuckle and pushes the door open into the inn. I can't wait to turn him into a "camel's" toe.
             I follow him into the inn and I see him chitchatting away with a lady vampire at the front desk. He's not just chitchatting, he's actually smiling and laughing with her. The lady vampire has long, beautiful brunette hair in loose waves. She has smooth alabaster skin, rose pink lips and round, dark red eyes. She's wearing a low cut blouse, so I can definitely see that she has her girls pushed up. She's standing behind the counter, so I don't know if she is wearing pants, a skirt or what. She's very pretty. And for some reason, I feel some type of way.
            I approach the counter, and her head swivels immediately in my direction. Her eyes lock in with mine and she smiles. "Ooh, you smell good. You are a powerful little one, aren't you?". Little? She's looks no older than I do. "Oh, please, I didn't mean no offense. It's just that most witches and wizards who gives off  a powerful aura are usually older...and you look no older than twenty," she apologizes. Damn. She's right on the money. Slowly, I nod my head.
          "I'm Amelia," the lady vampire introduces herself. "Nia," I do the same, "so, you're Dex's old friend?". Amelia shoots Dex a look as if she wants to punch him through a wall, "Old?". Dex rolls his eyes, "I wasn't calling you old. Damn, you're still as vain as ever".

"Oh, fuck you," Amelia scoffs. I laugh. I like her.

          "Anyways, do you happen to have any rooms available for the evening?" Dex asks. Amelia flips through a few pages in her check-in book. "Indeed I do. I have a double bed suite and a couples suite. The couples suite, I'm assuming?".

"Hell no!!" Dex and I both exclaim in unison.

      Amelia laughs. "Okay, okay, sheesh! The double beds it is. It has two queen size beds, plenty of room in the common space and a full bathroom with a separate shower. So, it's enough space for the both of you". I sigh, "that's good to hear". Amelia goes into a drawer and pulls out a set of silver keys; handing them to Dex. "Here are your room keys, room 444 and you know check out is at noon". Dex nods, "Yeah yeah, I remember" he takes the keys, "thanks, Mils".  Amelia smirks, "You know I got your back, especially after you saved my mate from those fury beasts". Dex smirks, "Y'all are my family. I'll always have you guys' back".
            Dex beckons for me to follow him, and we turn a hall from the main lobby. We step into an elevator and take it up to the fourth floor. Once we get to our floor, we step off the elevator, find our room and step inside. The room is neat and clean and the beds look inviting. Dex tosses his bag on the bed that's closest to the door. So I guess the bed closest to the window is mine. "You can take a bath and do your girlie shit. I'm going to see if I can use the inn's kitchen to cook you something. I'll be back," Dex says and leaves the room.
           I waste no time opening my rucksack and pulling out clean clothes and bathing toiletries. I run to the bathroom and turn on the shower. There's already fresh wash cloths and towels folded neatly on the shelves. I undress and hop in the shower. Oh. Em. Gee!! The hot water feels amazing on my tired and aching body. I lather up with Jasmine scented soap and scrub every crevice of my body. Then, I rise off and hop out of the shower.
             I towel myself dry and throw on some clean clothes. I use my magic to dry my hair and it it in a single ponytail. I've decided to give the pigtails a break for awhile. Just as I am putting everything away in my rucksack, Dex returns with a tray of food and a small drinking mug. He sits the tray down on the bed that I am going to sleep in and stares at me. Something is wrong.
               "You told me that your name was Nia," he says. "It is," I nod. Dex shakes his head. "I wasn't sure at first, but now I know that Nia is your nickname. I'm asking you for a reason, so I suggest that you be honest with me". My heart beat began to speed up. "Tania, my name is Tania".

"Tania Woodlock?".

         I slowly nod my head. "So, you're a Woodlock, and not just any Woodlock, you're the daughter of Damion Woodlock," Dex says. A soft gasp escapes me. "H-how do you know who my father is?". Dex reaches in his back pocket and hands me a sheet of rolled parchment. I unroll it and take a look. My bottom jaw nearly hits the floor. "Amelia gave that to me as soon as I came out of the kitchen. Your father and the family of your ex fiancé are looking for you, and are offering a pretty hefty reward for you to return home. Amelia said a group of wizards came in not too long ago asking if she had seen you around in the city. She told them no," Dex informs me.
             I stare at my smiling face painted on the parchment in complete shock. I knew that they were going to scry for my location, but I didn't think that they would locate me this quick. "Amelia said that you did look quite familiar, though. Do you have a brother?" Dex asks. I nod, "He's a traveler". Dex nods, "She said something about you reminded her of him. He came through Redville some time ago; talking to her about his baby sister". She was talking about Zyphire. None of my other brothers have ever never left Enchante Isle.
               "Do we need to leave the inn?" I ask, now nervous. "Amelia did say that she could sense that they know you are in the city, but they cannot pinpoint your exact location. So, she said that we should be okay for the night," Dex says as he takes a seat on the other bed.
             I relax a little, but I'm not taking no chances. I pull out my wand and began to circle about the room, repeating the command, "Protecto Survellius!". I do this three times, followed by a final command, "Inconspicuo!". Dex grimaced. I sit on the bed and start to eat my food. "Protection and hiding spells. If they do happen to come back, this room is nonexistent until it's time for us to leave," I tell him.

"And what would we do when it is time for us to leave?" Dex asks.

"You worry about the vampires, and I'll worry about the wizards. And if it's the group of wizards that I think it is, I can definitely out smart them," I say.

"And what makes you so sure of this, kitten?".

"Because," I smirk, "I know magic charms and spells that they don't. And I gotta thank my mother for that".

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