Meeeting Dex

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I have no clue how long that I have been out. Days? Weeks? All I know is that I am alive. I keep my eyes closed. First, I wiggle my fingers and toes. Okay, so I have feeling in my limbs. I lift both of my arms and legs. I no longer feel weak, but I do still feel a little sore.
I also take notice of the surface that I am laying on. It's soft, and my head is on a nice, fluffy pillow. I'm on a soft cot or bedding of some kind, and I feel a thin, but comfortable blanket draped over me. I finally open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. It's made of wood. Strong, sturdy wood. In fact, as I look around, I bet this whole place is made of wood. What kind of wood, mahogany is my guess. I could be wrong.
I force myself up; taking notice that my wrists aren't hurting, but they are bandaged. I reach my hand to the left side of my neck. My neck is also bandaged. My back and ribs still feels a little sore. I look to the left of me. There is a bedside table and next to a hand carved lamp lies my wand.
I snatch it up quickly and smile at the warmth that I feel in my fingertips. Continuing on with my observation, I can see that there are no windows in this room. There's a single dresser in front of the bed, a picture or two of some abstract art hanging on the wall, and a trash bin in the far right corner.
I swing my legs over the edge if the bed and stand. My legs don't feel wobbly. My boots are not on my feet, but I do see them sitting by the dresser. Another thing that that I see of mine is my enchanted rucksack, and my cloak, which is hanging on the doorknob; ripped.
I wonder if there is a bathroom here. Nature is calling, and I need a mirror. The door to the room is slightly ajar. I open it a little more so I can slide through. The bathroom is right across the small hall from the bedroom. I take a step towards it, but comes to a pause, I hear grunts coming from what may be the common room area. I turn and walk up the short hall.
I step right into a kitchen-common room combination. There's a window by the door. It's daylight. I scan the room and spot a small kitchen table with two chairs, a small fridge, a stove and a couple of cabinets. The common room part has a single sofa and love seat. There's a single end table on the right side of the sofa, and in front of the sofa is a small hand-made wooden desk. But that's not what has my attention.
On the floor before me is a man. A shirtless man with dark brown hair doing push-ups. His beautiful biceps and triceps bulge with each flex and contraction with every push-up. His back muscles are working right along with him as he lowers himself to the wooden floor and pushes himself back up. He's dressed in black jeans and his feet are bare. And he has beautiful, golden tan skin that looks like its been kissed by the sun. Who is he? Standing here and watching him do pushups, I forgot that I have to pee.
Suddenly he stops and hope up on his feet. "Somebody looks well rested," he says, and turns to face me. My heart damn near stops. He has the most perfect brows that I have ever seen. He has beautiful, thick lashes. His face is perfectly sculpted and his lips can make a dragon swoon. But his eyes are crimson red. He's a vampire, and a drop-dead-gorgeous one. I feel a deep pull in the center of my belly that I have never, ever felt before. Is this the vampire that saved me?
"You're just going to stare?" he smirks as he finally puts on a shirt. "Uh-n-no," I stammer. Yes, I say in my mental. Shut up, Tania. "How long was I out?" I inquire. "Two days," the vampire replies. "And the vampires that attacked me, what happened to them?" I ask. "Dead," he answers simply. Dead? He killed them? I raise a questioning brow. "You don't think that just because they were vampires I was going to spare them, did you?" he tilts his head to the side. "Well yeah, kind of," I murmur.
The vampire chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm not surprised". I grimace. "And let me guess, you believed that I was going to attack you too?" he questions. I don't answer. I just stare, because he's right. "Don't worry, kitten. I have absolutely no intentions on feeding from you. A witch's blood is too sweet for one, and two, I only feed from animals. So, you're safe," he smirks. Wow, that's a first that I've ever heard of that and-wait...did he just call me kitten? I scowl. "Don't call me that".

"Call you what? Kitten?"

"Yes. That".

"Okay, kitten," he smirks.

My scowl deepens. He went from being the most sexiest creature thar I have ever seen to being an asshole. "What is your name?" I ask. "Dex," he smiles. I slowly nod. "Dex...okay, how about I call you dick?". Dex raises his eye brows. "That's cool. Just add the word 'big' before that. That's what all of the other ladies do". Dex smirks. Yep. He is definitely an asshole. I roll my eyes, "Where is your bathroom?". Suddenly remembering that I have to pee again. "Down the hall behind you, kitten," Dex responds.
I already knew that. I scoff and turn around and head back down the hall. I turn into the bathroom and close the door behind me. As soon as I use the bathroom and gather my belongings, I am getting the bell up out of here before I turn dick into a rotted tree stump.

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