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"Mom, I'm hungry."

"You can eat once we're done filming Ollie."

I knew that wasn't true. Once we were done Mr. McLean would have me test the bridge for the next challenge.

I don't like this. I want to go to school. I want to live. I don't want to be here anymore.

All because Mom is in debt to Mr. McLean.

She and him had a history, one that I'm not entirely sure of.

I hate Wawanakwa.

She dragged me in because dad has to work and if 2 people work then we'll be out faster.

No food breaks, no water breaks, only 1 bathroom break.

"Interrrrrrn!" Chris shouts.

Work's never done.

"Yes, Mr. McLean?"

"I need you to entertain my little girl. Her mom dropped her off and she can't be by the cameras."

"Okay Mr. McLean." I walk towards where he pointed and there's a girl around my age sitting there.

"Oh of course, my dad is making his intern hang out with me."

"Hi, I'm Oliver."


Kristal is very pretty, I will say that. But she definitely looks like Mr. McLean's daughter.

She has a similar complexion, and the same hair color. She has his smirk, and his scowl.

"Well Oliver, what is there to do for fun around here?"

"Nothing. Sometimes Shelly messes with the challenge for fun?"

"Oooooh! Let's do that!"

"Ms. McLean I don't think that's a good-"

She grabs my hand and we're running towards the challenge site, where the campers are building their bikes. "Let's do this!" She giggles.

She keeps switching out Duncan's handle bars for a stick. Over, and over.

We're both giggling like madmen.

I feel like a real 12 year old.

"Okay okay, now you mess with someone!"

I take Heather's petals and switch them, so they go the opposite way. If she tries to go forward, it'll break instead of move. If she goes backwards, she'll move instead of break.

"Oliver you are a genius!"

We continue until the challenge progressed to the other section of the island, and Kristal decides she's hungry.

"Okay okay, I'll act like my dad." She puffs out her chest and deepens her voice. "Oliver! Your challenge is to get me a bag of chips! Salt and vinegar!" She fades into giggles and I run in to grab them.

I avoid Chef long enough to hand them to her. "Do you like salt and vinegar chips Oliver?"

"Uhhh, I don't know. Never had them!"

She gasps and puts a chip in my hand. I eat it.

It's really good, I understand why she likes them.

"Have you watched the episode where Beth avoids Chef long enough to grab chips for Heather and she EATS THEM HERSELF?! I could not stop laughing!"

"I watched that episode in real time." I push my glasses up on my nose, and I feel really cool.

"I don't get why my dad doesn't treat you guys better, you're really cool." I smile, and then stop under a large tree.

We sit there for the rest of the day, talking, eating chips.

She told me about how she never gets to hang out with her dad because he's always so busy. He's either filming Total Drama, or he's in some new movie.

I talk about how I walked in on her dad making out with Chef Hatchet.

She laughs.

"Like, I get it he's gay, but with your personal chef? Gross!"

Nightfall comes, and the cameras turn off.

"Hey Oliver, once we're older, let's promise to always be friends, okay? We'll find each other somehow!"

She holds out her pinky. I can see Mr. McLean coming to get her in the distance.

"I promise." I link her pinky with mine, and I turn around to go find Mom.

I really liked hanging out with Kristal. I hope we're always friends.

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