" Gorllll, whoever she was she got Tober overthinking bout you." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

Tober overthinking about me?

" For real? I didn't give it to her."

I went a grabbed my swimsuit just in case we went swimming? I don't know hell I just was grabbing shit.

" Well okay girl, as long as your comfortable and she wasn't pressin." She got up and started walking around.

" Hey I think Tober actually just got here with Ry. Imma go but call me when you make it pooh!!" she smiled all up in the camera.

" Okayyy, I'll talk to you then bye byeee!" I smiled before i hung up.

I grabbed my charger and all my other electronics and slipped them in the side of my bag before puttin on my slides and heading out the door.

I can't believe October was overthinking about that, I could tell she liked me and I really liked her but overthinking?? I honestly understand why though.

I walked down to my mommas room and peeked inside to see her reading with her lil glasses on.

" Momma im about to head out, I will be sure to let you know when I make it." I said before she could even get the chance to ask.

" Mmm okayy, you got your knife?" I pulled it out my bra and showed her.

Hey it was either this and pepper spray or no goin out plus I knew how to use it well.

" Alright baby, I love you so much and be safe!" She said looking me in my eyes showing me her seriousness.

" Yes ma'am, I love you too." I walked out and headed straight to my car.

Once I put everything in the trunk and got settled in I started some music ( good days by sza) before I texted Lyric that I was on the way.


hehe okayyy😁!!

I smiled and slowly pulled out before I started my drive there.



I sat just thinking about her and about our game. We did our shit tonight, exactly what I knew we were capable of and that meant a lot to me. We came a long way to get to this point and Im glad we all acknowledge that as a team, as a family.

As for Halo, she just been circling my mind constantly. She looked so damn good tonight, with her once piece and shit. Her locs were so beautiful and so was her smile. I loved how warm it made me feel when I greeted her, it made me feel welcome. I hoped she felt the same with me, welcomed and warm. We've been making some progress, slowly but definitely surly. I'm thinking about asking her on a date next weekend, out to eat and to the music museum. I'm sure she would enjoy that.

Seeing that girl talk to her the way she did irritated me. Shawty was just minding her business and she kept pressin on ha. I get that she's beyond beautiful but relax damn.

" Hey, Halo just called me sayin she made it." Lyric slipped on her house slippers before walking to the door and looking through the peep hole excited.

Shit I understand why I was too lowkey.... high key.

" HEYYYY!!" was all I heard before Lyric pulled her in side with a hug.

Damn, she looked good. I've never seen her look otherwise.

" Hey Yalll!" She said smiling as Lyric released her to walk inside.

I walked up to her reaching my arms out before gaining a warm hug from her that we held a second longer.

When we pulled away all I could do was look at her and smile. Mmm mmm.......

" Okay my turn love birds." Jy walked up to Halo smiling as she hugged her.

After she pulled away she grabbed Halo's bags and took them up stairs to the guest room she was staying in.

The one next to mine.

They knew exactly what they were doin I swear.

" Okay girlll so basically we was gonna start some popcorn and watch a movie after we went to the store and got some things." Lyric explained to her what we normally do.

This was a ritual really like since the 8th grade, some how every time we did it some really funny shit ended up happening. Some shit we ain't had no business doin.

" Okayyy, do y'all want me to drive since I'm the last car in?" Halo smiled, one thing i'm getting to see about her is that she's a very giving person.

She so humble about it too, that's one of the things I liked about her.

" Yes girl, thank youu you so nice." Lyric smiled.

" Of course, what store did you guys wanna go to?" She grabbed her keys as everybody walked towards the door.

" Where y'all wanna go this time?" Lyric turned around and looked at us before we looked at each other and back at her.

She already knew.

" WALMART!" we all said together.

Ain't nothing like a bunch of niggas thuggin at wally world.

" Oh and I call dibs on front seat!" Ry said running to the passenger's side.

I smacked my lips, she already knew I wanted to sit there big head ass.

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