After the shooting

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after the shooting


At the wrong side of the tracks 


Policeman I think they are just taking advantage of the circumstances

Marianne who exactly?

Policeman the officials, they want them both death and don't even care if there's innocent people in the middle 

Marianne "Take advantage of the circumstances eh?"

Marianne "I'll be back in a minute"

Marianne excuse me, could you please come with me for a minute?

Delegate who, me

Marianne yes, it will only be a second, please come outside with me

Delegate but make it quick

////// In the shooting wagon again////

- *gets shoot in the arm*
- Ahhhhh damn just in my arm
+ Don't worry I can help you with that as soon as we get out of here

Nishny: are you still able to shoot? *Shoots twice and takes cover*

- Of course I'm not, I can't move my right arm

Nishny: didn't they teach you to shoot with one hand in the army

- I can't aim properly, that would be just a wasting of ammo.
+ Let me see if I can take that out with this knife 🗡️

- Don't do that here, you will make me have an hemorrhage.
- Well, the end is coming, soon they will manage to break into the wagon

But suddenly they stopped shooting.

+ What happened?

- No idea, I guess they are planning to blow the entire wagon

+ They stole that from me, I'm the only who blows train wagons with grenades!

Marianne "Excuse me"

We three aim at the door where a tall and thin woman was just wandering around with a couple of tea cups and a table.

Marianne "So I've come here to negotiate"

+ Stop right there or I'll shoot

Marianne don't worry I'm just here to thank you, I was able to take out a couple of political rivals due to this hilarious situation

So she just entered the wagon with two chairs and a little table with coffee as if the recent events were totally something out of her interest. 

Marianne "Don't shoot guys I'm just bringing some things to have a nice and cozy meeting"

Nizhny "Not another boring tea party please"

- "Can we trust her"

Nizhny "Yeah I guess, as long as you make sure not to mention how boring are her talks about economics"

Then she went out and returned 10 seconds later with a four tea glasses 🍵.

Marianne "Hi guys do you wanna have a drink, you must be tired"

So we decided to sit down and have tea with this misterious woman that just brought an entire table and chairs for the occasion. It felt like if something was wrong but we all decided to ignore it

We came out of our hiding and sat down to have coffee.

Marianne "Sorry about that, is just my job and I need toaintain apareances. Nevermind, the issue is solved now"

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