Look at me. I'm so proud of you-T.Z

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As y/n looked down at her sleeping newborn daughter, she felt a mix of emotions. She was exhausted from the constant feedings and diaper changes, but also filled with a sense of love and wonder for this little human she had created.

At the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety as she prepared to leave her husband, Trevor, alone with their baby for the first time.

Trevor was a caring and responsible partner, but Y/n couldn't help worrying that he wouldn't know what to do if their daughter started crying uncontrollably or had a sudden fever.

As she kissed her husband goodbye and headed out for a much-needed girls' night, Y/n couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for leaving him to deal with the demands of their newborn.

However, as the night went on, Y/n began to relax and enjoy herself. She laughed, danced, and caught up with her friends, feeling more like her old self than she had since becoming a mother. But as the night drew to a close, she began to feel a nagging sense of worry about what awaited her at home.

As she opened the front door, she could hear her baby's cries from down the hall.

But as she approached the nursery, she was greeted by a heartwarming sight: Trevor was cradling their daughter in his arms, rocking her gently back and forth as he murmured a lullaby.

The baby's cries had subsided, and as Y/n  watched her husband, she felt a sense of relief and gratitude for the partner she had chosen.

From that night on, Y/n knew that while she would always worry about her baby, she could also trust Trevor to take care of her in her absence.

As Y/n was brushing her teeth Trevor came up behind her wrapping his hands around her waist

"Look at me. I'm so proud of you" he whispered in her ear Y/n felt so giddy and proud of herself

soon they both made their way into bed knowing they would be up in a few hours

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