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Sights turned ebony

Thoughts go snowy

Here's my story

Which's hoary

Back that day

At the bay

Where it's grey

Watched you still

At own will

You turn 'round

With no sound

Just nothing

Turned something



Brought to life

Found alive

Filled with hues

Reds, yellows, blues

There's light too

But no clue

How it ensued

Though it should

'Cause from then

I lived on

With passion

For your love

Lift above

Soar up high

In the sky

But I fell

Down so well

Pain was raw

Then you saw

All glory

Lacking worry

Felt lowly

Died slowly

You said "bye"

Don't know why



Turned something

Then nothing

Then you found

On the ground



Man who loved

Who'd been shoved

His heart gone

Stepped upon

Too broken


He's set apart

Just to impart

His ceaseless

and seamless

Love and wish

For her kiss

So supple

And just impossible

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