Chapter 11 (Edited)

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°•°•Amina's POV°•°•

I was on my way to the kitchen when I was stopped by mom "Amina dear, Safia's parents have decided to move the engagement party for tomorrow night. So I need you and Layla to get ready. We need to go shopping to get some stuff for tomorrow please hurry up." Mom said and left to go downstairs... well I better see if Lalya is up. I headed to her room which was next to Talha's I knocked, "Layla are you awake?" "Come in." She said

She mentioned for me to sit next to her. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly, well I guess it's because I've never came to her room before. "Nothing, mom said I should tell you to get dressed. We are going out." "Uh where to?" she asked scrounging up her eyebrows. "Haha shopping, mom said something about the engagement party being tomorrow."

She nodded in agreement and got up to go to the bathroom. I also headed to my bedroom to get changed.

•°•°•Layla's POV°•°•

Amina, Aunty Asma and I were sitting in the lounge waiting for Talha. When we heard a hooter, "that must be Talha bhai" Amina exclaimed. We went outside and got into the car, greeted and sat in the car. Me on the right, Amina in the middle and aunty Asma on the left. There was a guy sitting in front with Talha.  "Mom, I hope its okay I brought along hamza." Talha said, with both guys turning to look at Aunty Asma, I caught a glimpse of Hamza... his the guy from the I bumped into yesterday...

And I would like to dedicate this chapter to @I_JUST_LUV_READING and @Muslimgirl11 for there support and votes thank you and please tell me what you think so far? Good? Bad??? anddddd who do you think the mystery guy is :D anyways.


Beaten, bruised and loved (Islamic love story) (Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now