"Is it clear?"


Mori raised an eyebrow unamuse.

"I said, Your going with The decomposing team, now"

"For.. Why?"

"Didn't you ask me to report you if.. they are going to throw away the waste?" Said Mori as you nod.

"Yes indeed, Where are they?"

"Outside they are about to leave" said Mori who stared at your retreating formed with squinted eyes.

'Something.. Does not meet the eyes.. Hmm,' he thought to himself yet, brushed it off as he cooed about what dress should he buy for Elise.

Whereas, you arrived outside to see a familiar man with them.

"Saku? I didn't knew you were coming" you said Approaching the male who respectfully bowed as Outside you both may be friends but in port mafia, he Feels the need to respect you as you are well, respected.

"There is no need to bow, besides.. Are they the team?" You asked curiously as you took notice of the two other males who flinched as they were recognised by you.

OK, you do have the aura of authority (aka. Zhongli, does have the aura of Knowledgeable person right? If not Albedo too is well respected so.. Anyways that sort of aura).

"You wouldn't mind if.. I join the three of you, no?" You asked As OdaSaku look puzzled as the two male nodded as they seems to be in nervousness.

"No, Sir!" They both saluted as You akwardly smile at them.

"There is no need to salute either"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Ahaha... This is awkward" you muttered as Sakunosuke chuckle at your deadpanned expression.

"You will have to get used to this stuff"

"Hmm, indeed" said while sighing out making OdaSaku sighed at you who was still trying to calm the two new recruit who are very much nervousness in front of you.

"Saku.. Help"

He shook his head as you frown a bit more and give up on calming them down, OdaSaku chuckle as you four went on the way.


"Were the body, Discarded in this formed?" You asked a bit shock and amused.

"Not really, it depends on the situations" said Odasaku as he bundle up the pieces into the incinerator.

"Hmm, maybe I should make a potion for it to melt.. Instead acid will be better" you said in thoughts as Odasaku sighed.

"Do you.. Think they deserved to die?" Asked Oda who tooked a seat beside you on a bench.

"That depends.. As we do not know if they were kind or evil" You said as you took out a cigarette box.

"Want one?"

"Hmm? Since when did you started smoking?" Asked OdaSaku a bit taken aback as you blink twice.

"Hmm.. It was 3 years ago?"

"When you were.. 18? So you were the one who taught Dazai to smoke" said Odasaku as you raise both hand.

"Na-uh, I may be his mentor but I didn't.. I guess?" Hesistate for a moment as Odasaku sighed and took one of it.

"Are you planning to stay on Port mafia.. For rest of your life?" Asked Odasaku as he help you lid the cigaratte.

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