Outro: Ohana means family!

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The Fandom Family Festival is finally drawing to a close after two months of fun and celebration! To put a period on the festivities, let's take a moment to appreciate all the people you are happy to share a fandom with and the people you've bonded with, thanks to your shared passion! Tag them in the comments below!

Thank you to all the participants who joined us in celebrating the fandoms we all love! Your dedication and enthusiasm have made this event truly memorable. Stay tuned for future announcements and updates as we reveal the amazing artists and authors' work in November.

Despite the festival ending, don't worry; the celebration and adoration for fandoms don't end here. Keep the fangirling/fanboying going all year round, and keep showing your passion for the worlds, characters, and people you admire so much!

The Ambassadors' fandom family will continue to be here to unite and share your enthusiasm along with the rest of the community! And we hope to return with a new fandom party in the future!

Stay connected, share fan art, fanfiction, and theories, and engage in discussions that fuel our fandom communities... And until then, may the fandom force be with you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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Fandom Family Festival 2023Where stories live. Discover now