Profile StarWarsFans & Potterverse activity: Battle Royale

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Are you ready to rumble? Imagine a brawl between Star Wars force users and Harry Potter's witches and wizards. Join the battle by picking one Star Wars character against one Harry Potter character. You can even team up like SeverusSnape and Ben Solo vs. Voldemort and Palpatine. Let your imagination run wild!

Write a 100-word Drabble in the comment section below about their fierce battle. You can pick both of the characters you'd like to see battle or choose one of the character's prompts below.

Darth Vader vs. Lord Voldemort

Dumbledore vs. Yoda

Bill Weasley vs. Gen Hux (Fun Fact: They are played by the same character.)

Knights of Ren vs. Death Eaters

Grogu vs. Dobby

Choose your battles wisely, and let the sparring begin!

Choose your battles wisely, and let the sparring begin!

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