Chapter 6:

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Shit. We were not prepared for this case. Marc had been doing groundwork for almost two months, and we still had nothing tangible. We had done our best to sever all ties with the Academy when we left Charleston, but it kept finding us. This particular case involved a land merger that was simply a front for a trafficking ring. Our clients were blind idiots that had been swayed by the money and didn't ask questions. If they went ahead with the merger, it would make them accessories and possibly damage our firm as well, but at the same time, I couldn't refuse because we were under contract.

I surveyed the room, noticing Raven and Mattie. He was quite taken with her already, and Brandon, well, fuck, I think Brandon would drag her into the house and never let her leave if he thought he could.

"Mr. Henshaw, thank you for meeting with us today. We hope to resolve the details quickly," Mr. Ramoz said, shaking my hand.

"Yes, I'm sure we can reach some sort of middle ground, gentlemen," I gave him a fake smile and we began. Four hours later we agreed to take a break for lunch. They had been bending over backward to find a way to get the merger to go through, and I was running out of ideas to block it.

Mr. Ramoz and his associate had paused in the hall and were whispering when I noticed Mattie standing nearby listening to their conversation. I frowned to myself, that wasn't really ethical. I'd have to speak with her about it. I waited until they had left and took her elbow. She looked terrified when I closed the door. I started to say something, but she blurted out, "Why the fuck are you working with the cartel?"

I was speechless. How the hell did this little girl know they were involved in the cartel? "I think you need to explain very quickly, Ms. Theriot. Why do you think they are with the cartel?"

"Gente estúpida de mierda, siempre subestimando a la chica rubia," she muttered.

"Holy fuck, you speak Spanish. Just how many goddamn languages do you speak, woman?" I gaped.

She rolled her eyes, "Enough to pay attention, Mr. Henshaw." Ouch, that stung, but I guess I deserved it. "As for how I know, let's just say I was raised in San Jose and not in the nice part of town. Those two lawyers were talking about the Palmas, they've been running cartel drugs for ages, not to mention they also market in human and weapons trafficking. So again, why is this firm working with them? Because if these are the types of clients you host, I think I'll need to tender my resignation effectively like ten minutes ago."

Wow, just wow. I get it now. She's amazing.

"Mr. Henshaw?" she said.

"Sorry, um, please sit," I motioned to the chair and sat across from her. "Okay, what I'm saying has to stay in this room. Only I and my family know the details, not anyone in the firm beyond that." She nodded cautiously like she was still trying to decide if she could trust me or not. "You're right, Mattie, those lawyers represent the cartel and the Palmas gangs off the West coast. I'm trying to figure out a way to tank the deal, but so far, our PI is coming up blank. He has about the same info you do and not much else. We can't seem to catch them in the act of anything that would give cause to quash the merger. Our poor client is just a money-hungry idiot who has no clue about the criminal connection. I can't exactly tell him either without putting a target on my head as well as the firm." I groaned, letting my head fall into my hands.

I felt her hand on my arm and looked up at those jade-green eyes. "You'll figure it out, sir. Just keep stalling until you find a way to tank the deal or get out of your contract with the greedy idiot," she smiled.

My eyes lit up and I grabbed her face and kissed her cheek, "Mattie, you're a fucking genius!" She sat unmoving, eyes wide, and mouth open at my actions. Oh, the things I want to do to that pretty mouth. I put my finger under her chin and closed her mouth, "Careful, little one, if you keep those lips parted I'll be tempted to put something in between them," I whispered and grinned. She turned bright red and leaned back just a bit. "Now dear, I think I need to get you an office and some overtime."

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