chapter 2

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Harry was about to reply but he was cut off by the other boy who was helping him beat up derrick.
"Wow harry looks like you have secret twin" he laughs.
I could tell he was joking but little did he know that his joke was soon to be the truth.
"Maybe that's because she is" harry said with very little emotion.
I wouldn't blame him if he was mad, I would understand, I mean I disappeared in the middle of the night with no call or text, you could say I feel off the face of the earth.
"Wait sorry, did you just say she is?" the boy questioned.
"Yes louis, I did, but right now I have no time to explain, we need to get out of here before fans start showing up" harry said grabbing my arm and pulling mw away.
The boy I had bumped into called a taxi for us and the ride was super awkward.
I sat there in silence thinking off all the events that happened that night and the odds of me running into my brother, I kept looking at harry but every time our eyes met, he would look away with the smallest bit of water filling his eyes.
"I'm sorry" I said with a tear running down my cheek.
"Skar we will talk about this when were home" he said not even looking at me.
"What do you mean, when were home" I ask.
"You think I'm just going to let you off into the streets after what just happened" he turned looking at me.
I could see that he was angry, but his face softened once he looked me in the eyes. I opened my mouth ready to speak again but harry stopped me,
"We will talk in the house, in private".
I just nodded, and I was back to silence. I kept looking around at the other boys, examining them, I already know one of the boy's names, louis, he was the one helping my brother beat up Derrick, I can't lie, he knew how to throw a punch, I sure don't want to get on his bad side.

We arrived at Harry's house and one of the boys jump out the taxi and opened my door for me, holding his hand out to help me down.
"Thank you" I said with a small smile.
"Your welcome" he replied.
I smiled a little more after hearing his accent, he had a very strong Irish accent, I had never heard an Irish person before.
I followed the boys in the house and stood in the hallway not knowing what to do or say.
"Come with me" harry said walking away.
I followed him into the living room and sat on one of the couches, I was scared at what he was going to say, he probably hates me after me pulling a Houdini. I sat there fiddling with my hands waiting for him to say something, the tension in the room was so thick that I thought I was going to suffocate.
"So ... they boys seem kind of nice" I say breaking the silence.
"Why did you leave scarlet" he says looking up from his hands.
"Harry, I had no choice".
"No, you did have a choice, and you chose to leave me without any call or text, you left me scar" he began to cry.
I sat there with tears running done my face, knowing how much I had hurt my brother, that was never my intention, I ran off so he could be happy but all I done was hurt him.
"You have nothing to say?" he said looking at me with his red eyes.
I just stared at him not knowing what to say in this moment.
"I'm sorry..." I finally reply.
Harry just looked at me for a moment shaking his head then looking back at his lap. I tried to speak but nothing came out, it was like all my words had been sucked out of me.
"I thought you were dead scar... we searched for you for months and we had no luck... I could only assume the worst had happened to you" more tears fell from his cheeks.
"Harry, I did it for you"
"No, you didn't do this for me, you done if for yourself" he rose his voice.
"I did it so you could be happy, all I ever done was bring you down, I had to get away, I had to let you focus on your life instead of you trying to fix mine" I began to shout.
We just looked at each other, both of us to scared to say anything, and I was back to felling like I was suffocating, I had to get outside for some air, so I stood up and was about to leave when harry stopped me.
"You are not the same you know, you've changed".
"I'm a different person now" I turn to face him.
"Jesus... we are different, and I don't need people like you in my life, someone who's just going to walk out on me again".
"Fine, good, so..." I pause "if you see me around act like you don't know me, because you don't" I saw whipping my tears.
I turn to walkway when harry shouts one last thing to me.

"Fuck you".

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