Start from the beginning

"It's the guys who robbed your house!" JJ exclaimed towards John B and Blue, not helping ease the girl's racing heartbeat.

A bright light flashed towards them, causing them to cower against the mausoleum, the web of vines brushing against their skin and clothes as they hid. Subconsciously, Blue stepped over to JJ, seeking out his comfort and protection in the ascending chaos. All five of them crouched towards the ground in a hurried fashion.

"Lights!" Kiara commanded.

Blue quickly turned off her flashlight, then watched as her brother attempted to smother his light by putting the lantern under his thin linen shirt. She rolled her eyes as the rays just shined right through the fabric.

"John B?" She sighed, rolling her eyes as she swatted his arm. "Your light!" She yelled as he took the lantern out of his shirt and finally turned it off.

At the same time, JJ was trying to put his joint out on the concrete wall, and Pope had to reach over and turn his headlight off for him. Blue began to wonder if all the weed they had been smoking went straight to their brains like their teachers said it would.

"I saw something!" A man's voice called out, making Blue cave in towards herself. She watched with fearful eyes as JJ peeked his head out and looked towards where the vehicle had parked by the grave.

"Do you think its them?" She asked him in a soft yet anxious whisper.

"Homie's got a gun." He said instead of directly answering her.

Blue felt her heart stop at the words. Her mind went back to all that had happened to them in the past few days - the Boneyard, being shot at on the marsh, not one, but two home invasions, and not to mention the rooster - and she suddenly found herself growing more annoyed than afraid. She was sick of being scared and of waiting for something or someone to hurt them. She was tired of freezing up. She was done with it.

"Screw this." She mumbled to herself before standing up, making a break for it without any warning. It only took a second for the Pogues to follow suit.

The men's voices shouted out, but they ignored them as they ran, grass and leaves crunching under their feet as they raced towards the gate. Kiara and John B were the first ones to hop over, and while Blue was in the middle of climbing the fence, she felt JJ's hands return to her hips and lift her up towards the top. She sent him a grateful smile before jumping over. The blond followed shortly after.

Just as Blue was about to run over to the Twinkie, she looked back, seeing Pope still climbing the fence. He was struggling to get over, and she quickly noticed why - his shorts were caught on one of the metal loops at the top of the gate.

"Hurry up!" JJ yelled as the Pogues began to move towards the van.

"Go!" Kie chimed in.

"Wait!" Blue called to them, causing them all to stop and look back at the gate. She motioned to the boy at the top of the structure. "We have a little problem!"

"Guys, I'm stuck!" Pope grunted as he hung from the fence.

The group ran back towards the gate, immediately attempting to ease to boy down. "I got you!" Kiara said. As Blue, John B, and Kie all started to help Pope, JJ stood back, grabbing the gun from his waistband and pointing it towards the fence.

"Pope, don't move!" The blond boy instructed. Blue looked back to see what he was doing, and her eyes immediately went wide at the pure idiocy being displayed before her.

"Are you trying to shoot him down?!"She screeched before running towards JJ, grasping his wrist and forcing the gun down, careful not to touch the loaded weapon. "Are you crazy!? You're gonna kill him!"

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