Together we dive beneath the clouds, Rhaegal and Drogon roaring to one another as we fall. Dany lands first atop the walls and climbs down, I set down on Rhaegal just steps away from the canopies. I gracefully step from Rhaegal's back and drag a hand across his snout as I walk to Daenerys' side, remaining a step behind her. Cersi watches with hateful eyes as I take my seat beside Odanno, and Dany in her own beside Tyrion. Rhaegal and Drogon take to the sky once more, circling high above us.

I listen as Cersi and Daenerys go back and forth, arguing upon the terms of their truce. Jon reveals the wight to Cersi, shocking her entourage as she attempts to keep a calm face. I watch as he remains neutral between the Queens, my realization that he may be a just king yet fully settles in.

"I will agree to your truce, and to offer my support, so long as House Stark remains neutral once the war begins." Cersi says, meeting eyes with Jon. He glances at Daenerys, she subtly shakes her head at him. He sighs and meets Cersi's eyes once more.

"I have already pledged fealty to the Dragon Queen." Jon says, I look at him in shock, anger takes over Cersi.

"Then the truce is off." She says, retreating to her palace. Dany quickly walks to Jon, anger in her eyes.

"I appreciate your loyalty, but there are times when you must lie Jon Snow!" She tells him, turning away from him in defeat. I take in the situation and let out a breath.

"Come with me, Odanno." I quietly say, walking to Cersi's Grand Maester and Hand.

"I wish to speak with your Queen, if that is alright." I say to him, he looks at me in surprise, but a look of respect slowly crosses his face.

"Quickly now." He says, silently leading me out of the pits and down the path toward the Red Keep.


Odanno and I follow the Maester down a hall lined with Queensguard, he opens the door to a large study, books and beautiful trinkets lining the walls. Cersi looks to me in anger, but it quickly shifts to surprise.

"I expected to see the imp, not you." She says, slowly sitting down behind her desk.

"I felt it would be unfair to send an advisor rather than speak to you myself." I say, my black dress draping along the floors that once housed my family.

"Your aunt does not feel the same?" I smile at her and arrive in front of her desk.

"Daenerys does not know I came to you, there are many things we do not agree upon. May I sit?" She watches me carefully and nods. "Why allow us to come here if you were not going to agree to her terms?"

"I did not know my brother would offer terms only to advise my enemies to collaborate against me." I shake my head and fold my hands, Odanno watches us closely.

"None of us knew of Jon Snow's oath to Daenerys, not even I." She does not answer, I smile at her. "You allowed us here in hopes of something, you would not agree to meet if not for that."

"I had hopes of keeping my family from destruction, one you seem set on." I let out a breath.

"When we first arrived at Dragonstone, Daenerys wanted to head straight for King's Landing and bring you fire and blood. There were only two who advised against her, only two that keep all of us from total destruction. Do you know who that was?" She watches me in silence. "Tyrion and I. We are the only things that hold her from ripping Westeros apart. That is why I come to you now. None of this matters so long as those dead men walk beyond the wall."

"I know what those things are, what they mean." I watch as her face become more relaxed by the slightest bit, her words come out calmer. "When that thing came at me, I did not care for Westeros, all I cared about was keeping its jaws away from the ones I love most." I watch her hand subtly move to her stomach. I meet her eyes with a gentle smile.

"You love your family, you love the ones closest to you. In that way we are one in the same. Let me help keep your family from destruction, keep your child from certain death. The only way we can do that is to agree to your brother's terms and offer your support to defeat the white walkers." She looks at me differently now, as if she's studying me. She's silent for a few moments more. "You could strike me down where I stand if you truly wished to, do it if you must."

"You're different from her." Her face has relaxed, it seems as through I've broken through a wall. "She does not know how to play the game, you do." I smile at her and lean on the armrest beside me.

"I spent a long time preparing to return here, I learned many things about Westeros. I understand this place, I understand what it takes to keep it." She leans back into her chair and crosses her arms.

"Perhaps we are one in the same then, Rhaenyra Targaryen." She slowly stands and I follow, she comes around the desk and offers her hand to me. "I will come with you to agree to her terms." I take her hand and hold it for a moment before letting go.

She walks from the room beside me, Odanno and her Maester following a few steps behind. We walk in silence through the halls, those who roam them glancing at the both of us in surprise. Her guard follows closely behind us as we arrive back at the dragon pits, Daenerys looks at me in shock.

"I've come to agree to your terms, I will send my forces to fight against the army of the dead." Cersi says to her, Daenerys glances to me and I nod. I walk to Tyrion and Odanno follows as Jon Snow and Daenerys speak with Cersi.

"She's lying." I quietly say to both of them.

"I thought the same." Odanno agrees.

"Daenerys will never travel North if she knows, we will not win this war without her." Tyrion tells me, I nod.

"Then she must not learn this, we can win the fight without the Lannisters. All we need is that cease fire, and for that part I know she speaks true."

Shadow of the Dragon QueenWhere stories live. Discover now